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Not a Number - 3-sphere

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b/Music Showcase publicado por u/racingstripeAV May 19, 2018, 03:20:27 PM
3-sphere 1:15

SKETCH 01 to 3-sphere.

Probably not going to actually do anything more with this, since it doesn't fit in with what I have planned for The Messenger Trilogy, part I at the moment – I could keep it until Album 4 if I don't use it there, but that's many years down the line from now.

Either way, this is just an idea that I wanted out of my system. Got a little inspired from Hack Music Theory's video on TesseracT (who's video in turn was inspired from TesseracT's "Luminary") and, to music-theory-geek-out for a moment, wanted to write a song in a similar style that also didn't put emphasis on the "1" beat, as well as faff around with some polyrhythms (the middle section in particular having an instrument in 15/8 over the song's 12/8).

Maybe I'll do something with this in the future, maybe it'll get worked into The Messenger Trilogy, part I somehow, who knows.
Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 03:22:32 PM by racingstripeAV
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u/Dream of Omnimaga May 22, 2018, 01:46:48 PM
:walrii: and myself like, so far ^^

I'll also have to check out your other stuff soon, because I haven't catched up on the CW music section in a long while
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b/Music Showcase

Section dedicated to producing music on other softwares, where you can also showcase your work.

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