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Chat Application

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b/Web publicado por u/c4ooo May 06, 2018, 05:33:11 PM
I have been working on a chat application with a HTML5 frontend and a java backend.

So far, its really basic and buggy, but you can register, login, and send messages between two accounts. The backend is an http server written in java and uses an SQL database.

The user interface is really bad, but here are some images so far:

Inicia sesión o crea una cuenta para dejar un comentario
u/123outerme May 06, 2018, 05:43:24 PM
I'd be willing to help with CSS if that's at all desirable. You can see what I did on my webpage (although admittedly I stole a few things and ideas from templates/tutorials):
u/_iPhoenix_ May 06, 2018, 06:32:11 PM
This is almost like UniChat!

Good luck! As I've learned, people will find endlessly inventive ways to spam messages into your service x.x

I could help test it/find security loopholes, if you want. I'm not amazing at it, but if I can find it, you can assume that pretty much anyone can.

You might want to add timestamps to the messages, though. If it's been like 5 hours since the last message, you might not want to add to that conversation.
u/c4ooo May 06, 2018, 08:33:32 PM
Quote from: 123outerme on May 06, 2018, 05:43:24 PM
I'd be willing to help with CSS if that's at all desirable. You can see what I did on my webpage (although admittedly I stole a few things and ideas from templates/tutorials):
Right now i am more focused on the logic for the front/backend, but i will soon be looking to improve the css ;)

Quote from: _iPhoenix_ on May 06, 2018, 06:32:11 PM
This is almost like UniChat!

Good luck! As I've learned, people will find endlessly inventive ways to spam messages into your service x.x

I could help test it/find security loopholes, if you want. I'm not amazing at it, but if I can find it, you can assume that pretty much anyone can.

You might want to add timestamps to the messages, though. If it's been like 5 hours since the last message, you might not want to add to that conversation.
Yep, if someone's logged in, there's nothing stopping them from just sending POSTs to random user IDs. As for timestamps, whenever new messages get requested by the user, they are automaticly deleted from the "active" messages table and (when i get to implementing it) placed into the "history" table.
Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 09:13:08 PM by c4ooo
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