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Wal-Rush! 2 - Tick Tusk [atari 2600]

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b/[Completed] Walrii Games (TI/HP/PC/2600) publicado por u/JWinslow23 February 25, 2018, 05:04:03 AM
If anyone here remembers Wal-Rush! for the Atari 2600, and wishes that there were a better version, you will soon get your wish!

(This is just a crappy 15fps gif; the real thing is 60fps.)

I'm starting work on a sequel that I call Wal-Rush! 2: Tick Tusk, because it has a huge emphasis on time. My plan is to have a timer that goes down as you play and kills you if it expires, but can be stopped or increased if you collect certain collectibles. This will be the key to playing for a long time and getting a high score.

I have not coded the functions of the objects yet, but I'll explain my plan for them. The air mine will explode on contact and take away your time. The fish will give you 10 points, and add a few seconds to the timer. The clock will give you 50 points and completely refill your timer. The hourglass will give you 100 points, and stop the timer from decreasing (or increasing!) for a while.

Also, the collectibles sometimes move in WAVES! I love this effect :D

If you want a download of the program, ask and you shall receive. Same for the source code (in bAtari BASIC). ;)
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u/JWinslow23 February 27, 2018, 02:52:58 AM

New version! While still not complete, this is a (barely) playable version, until you game-over.

The bombs now make you spin around, and the hourglass powerup actually works! The hourglass will freeze your timer for a while, until the bar in the bottom right stops animating. (No, you cannot stack the effect with multiple hourglasses. ;) )

Download here, if anyone can try it out with Stella. :)
u/JWinslow23 February 28, 2018, 02:25:00 PM

I have added a lot since the last update. In fact, I think I added the whole game.

I'm pretty sure I've done all I want to with this game. At the suggestion of @gameblabla , there's even a "2-player co-op" mode (switch the Left Difficulty switch to A, and then player 2 can mess with the obstacles :D ).

Download here, if anyone wants to try it out with Stella. :)
u/gameblabla March 09, 2018, 05:18:31 AM
Nice that you did this !
However i wish it was done through a basic menu (even its just a small sprite) rather than using hardware switches. (i think they got removed in some hardware revisions ?)

Also, as for choosing the obstacles, it should be random because the atari joystick does not have enough buttons.
You can allow players with a genesis pad that though because you can use 2 buttons and the way you're doing it rn is strange.
I like how you can press FIRE and basically do camouflage :P

To be Improved
u/JWinslow23 March 09, 2018, 02:17:53 PM
Quote from: gameblabla on March 09, 2018, 05:18:31 AM
Nice that you did this !
Thanks! And thank you for giving me the idea ;)
Quote from: gameblabla on March 09, 2018, 05:18:31 AM
However i wish it was done through a basic menu (even its just a small sprite) rather than using hardware switches. (i think they got removed in some hardware revisions ?)

Also, as for choosing the obstacles, it should be random because the atari joystick does not have enough buttons.
You can allow players with a genesis pad that though because you can use 2 buttons and the way you're doing it rn is strange.
I like how you can press FIRE and basically do camouflage :P
Yeah, at the point where I added that, there wasn't enough space in 4K to add that much of an option system. But who knows, maybe the game is still able to be optimized!

Choosing the obstacles is not done by the player. Because of the aforementioned button problem, this is done with the same random distribution as the normal game. Rather, UP and DOWN move the obstacle up or down (their neutral position, anyway; wave motion is thrown a bit out of whack otherwise), LEFT slows it down, and RIGHT speeds it up. FIRE turns the color of the obstacle white (you've noticed ;) ).

Also yeah, the CX2600-A and "Darth Vader" models got rid of the difficulty switches. However, most people that would choose to play this game might do it on an emulator, or if on actual hardware with, say, a Harmony cart, a 6-switch model, so I don't see that as too big of an issue.
u/Dream of Omnimaga September 29, 2018, 05:49:30 PM
I just realized this was a thing O.O

I'm gonna download it when I have some time. @Juju should add it to the arcade (if you want of course) and fix the massive lag (Wal-Rush plays at half-speed with crunchy sound half of the time)
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b/[Completed] Walrii Games (TI/HP/PC/2600)

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