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The Messenger Trliogy, part I (dev thread)

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b/Music Showcase publicado por u/racingstripeAV January 11, 2018, 12:05:33 AM
Since finishing the second album The Messenger Trilogy, Part III back in September, I figured I'd make a thread for development on the third album, that being Part I (yes, these are being released out of order, it just makes more sense from a narrative standpoint). This thread will probably be solely for any WIPs that I write for Part I, and will be creating a new thread for when the album itself is complete (which I don't know when that will be; I'd like to finish it ideally by late-2019, mid-2020 at the latest).

For now, here are the current list of WIPs for The Messenger Trilogy, Part I:

• 02. Long Live The Kings 1:58 [SKETCH 01a] (2019-01-15)
• 04. The Willing Duke I: Mine By Right 4:36 [SKETCH 01] (2018-11-12)
• 05. The Willing Duke II: An Act of Treason 4:26 [SKETCH 01a] (2019-01-17)
• 06. Defender of the Glory 1:35 [SKETCH 01a] (2019-02-17)
• 07. Innocence 1:59 [SKETCH 01b] (2017-12-15)
• 08. Cold Sweat 2:30 [SKETCH 01c] (2018-11-04)
• 09. The Resistance 4:57 [single edit] (2019-03-29)
• 10. "So They Say..." 3:03 [SKETCH 02b] (2018-11-28)
• 12. Upon a Furrowed Brow 6:53 [SKETCH 01] (2018-05-10)
• 13. The Willing Duke III: Midnight, Tonight (The Last Stand) [I. On My Mark] 1:25 [SKETCH 01a] (2019-01-03)
• 13. The Willing Duke III: Midnight, Tonight (The Last Stand) [II. The Last Stand] 1:47 [SKETCH 01a] (2019-01-03)
• 13. The Willing Duke III: Midnight, Tonight (The Last Stand) [III. Have At You] 1:52 [SKETCH 01a] (2019-01-04)
• 15. Take Your Place 1:58 [SKETCH 01] (2019-02-03)

List will be constantly updated as new WIPs are added.
Last Edit: March 29, 2019, 09:14:17 PM by racingstripeAV
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u/racingstripeAV March 30, 2018, 09:28:28 AM
New WIP:

The Resistance 0:57 [SKETCH 01] (2018-03-29)
Experimenting with odd-time signatures (keeping it a steady 13/8 for now).
u/racingstripeAV May 11, 2018, 01:19:40 PM
New WIP:

Upon a Furrowed Brow 6:53 [SKETCH 01] (2018-05-10)
I wouldn't exactly call this a "multipart" song (cf., Fermi Paradox I-V) despite having definite "sections", but as far as what I have planned with the album, this song is definitely more story-heavy compared to the ideas I have for some of the other tracks; hence why you're getting the full 6:53 rather than a verse and chorus.
Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 10:00:22 PM by racingstripeAV
u/racingstripeAV October 11, 2018, 09:44:50 PM
New WIP:

Cold Sweat 2:24 [SKETCH 01a] (2018-10-11)
Considering how SKETCH 01 is already 2:24 long (and is projected to be around the 6:30 mark), I'm honestly concerned that I might be writing too much, as I'm aiming to keep Album 3 one disc (so, 79 minutes total); however from what I've planned, it already seems to be creeping dangerously close to that number, and I don't want to split it across two discs (partially because there's no good place to put a break, and also I don't want to *remove* content because it would take away important story elements).

Still, I've only began building 6 out of the projected 15 tracks so far (two of which haven't been posted here, as they're not quite ready yet), so maybe - hopefully - the issue will fix itself before it even arises.
u/racingstripeAV November 13, 2018, 04:14:03 PM
New WIP:

The Willing Duke I: Mine By Right 4:36 [SKETCH 01] (2018-11-12)
This one was actually one of the first songs I began writing for the album, and even though it's still not finished, I feel the structure is pretty much nailed down.

Updated WIPs:

Cold Sweat 2:30 [SKETCH 01c] (2018-11-04)
Not much changes to report, other than a change in tempo. Oh and also it's all been written, even though this is stil a preview version of the Sketch. As is Innocence (which has since been renamed to The Innocent Lies), but again, only the preview version of the Sketch is listenable.
u/racingstripeAV November 28, 2018, 11:11:13 AM
New WIP:
"So They Say..." 3:03 [SKETCH 02b] (2018-11-28)

Again, a little more experimentation with using odd-time signatures, but keeping things to a slightly less insane 5/4.. and even then I'm drifting into good-ol' fashioned 4/4 here and there, with a dash of 15/8 to spice things up; It's just how I've planned on writing the album.
u/racingstripeAV January 03, 2019, 09:29:38 PM
New WIP:

The Willing Duke III: Midnight, Tonight (The Last Stand) [I. On My Mark] 1:25 [SKETCH 01a] (2019-01-03)
The Willing Duke III: Midnight, Tonight (The Last Stand) [II. The Last Stand] 1:47 [SKETCH 01a] (2019-01-03)
The Willing Duke III: Midnight, Tonight (The Last Stand) [III. Have At You] 1:52 [SKETCH 01a] (2019-01-04)

Similar to Upon A Furrowed Brow, this one's another multi-parter. Buuut, given how this one's projected to be much longer, I figured it was better to upload each part separately (although if I've only started work on half of the total track).
Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 11:52:52 AM by racingstripeAV
u/racingstripeAV January 15, 2019, 07:03:31 PM
New WIP:

Long Live The Kings 1:58 [SKETCH 01a] (2019-01-15)

Planning on this being the opening track to Album 3; kind of a "Queen meets Dream Theater", even though I've always admitted that I am no Brian May nor John Petrucci.
u/racingstripeAV January 17, 2019, 03:10:06 PM
New WIP:

The Willing Duke II: An Act of Treason 4:26 [SKETCH 01a] (2019-01-17)

Not a lot to say about this one yet, mostly due to this one being another story-heavy track.
u/racingstripeAV February 03, 2019, 04:11:28 PM
New WIP:

Take Your Place 1:58 [SKETCH 01] (2019-02-03)

I'll be honest, as the number of tracks that are left to be worked on decreases (including Sketches to tracks I haven't uploaded here, only 2 of the 15 tracks need starting), so too does the amount I have to say with each upload.
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 04, 2019, 07:07:18 PM
I started listening to this, but I'm only on the third song so far. I liked the first two and I'm starting to get into the third song. :)

EDIT: Fourth song now. I like the blend between metal and piano in your songs and the fact most of your songs are quite melodic.

EDIT2: Have At You so far  is one of my favorites. Note that I'm quite into fast music though ^^
Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 07:47:14 PM by DJ Omnimaga
u/racingstripeAV February 17, 2019, 08:47:10 PM
Glad you're liking it so far.  :) Although the piano's only there until I get around to recording the vocals (same with the "guitars").

Speaking of, new WIP:

Defender of the Glory 1:35 [SKETCH 01a] (2019-02-17)

"Imagine if you will, a scenario in which the villain has won. Consider this their 'victory lap' around our hero.. that is, if they were here to see it."

Composition-wise, this is another in the stretch of the more "conventionally-written" tracks for the album. Gotta counter all the crazy from the likes of The Willing Duke III. Especially considering how I'm getting ever closer to that 79-minute mark with the album as a whole.
u/racingstripeAV March 29, 2019, 09:13:53 PM
New Single for the album: The Resistance:

The Resistance 4:57 [single edit] (2019-03-29)

Single can also be downloaded for (minimum) Free over on Bandcamp:
Last Edit: March 29, 2019, 09:32:07 PM by racingstripeAV
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