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b/[Completed] Superstar Hero (PC) publicado por u/Dream of Omnimaga April 11, 2017, 05:57:19 AM
I'll add the older screenshots and videos in this thread in the future, but here is the latest video, which showcases what Quebec City looks like in the year 9108:

Around 3:50 in the video, c goes down. :P
Last Edit: April 11, 2017, 06:01:50 AM by DJ Omnimaga
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u/Yuki April 11, 2017, 06:06:26 AM
Aw yeah, can't wait to play this. Any ETA?

Also glad to see La Planque still exists in 9108 :P
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b/[Completed] Superstar Hero (PC)

A futuristic Ys JRPG series clone inspired from Sega CD, Genesis and SNES material. Made with RPG Maker 2003.

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