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b/[Completed] Superstar Hero (PC) publicado por u/Dream of Omnimaga February 28, 2017, 11:15:28 PM

Superstar Hero is an sci-fi action-RPG set in a dystopian Quebec City of the far future. The game is heavily inspired from the early Ys series games and Mega Man, but it doesn't take itself seriously, with an usually over-the-top depiction of the 92th century and how Quebec has (d)evolved, where the goal of the game is to... as you guessed... save the world! It also contains some weird glitches that were left in and it is your job to take advantage of them to counter the game's sometimes-very-high difficulty.

You can lower its difficulty by farming for gold and buying attack/defense/speed upgrades, but at one point you might prefer trying to master the abuse of some of the game's (and RPG Maker 2003 engine's) quirks, such as cornering enemies while attacking them or character positioning and attack timing for maximum damage.

The game is not complete yet, but it's coming along nicely (despite some breaks over time).


The game is set in the dystopian future of 9108, in Quebec City area. Because of overpopulation, people started building new skyscrapers right out of the ground, digging down while building the structures around the remaining rocks and dirt, rather than building upwards into the sky. The thinner Earth crust that resulted afterwards, despite being reinforced heavily by metal to support 900+ floor high skyscrapers, resulted into Quebec City temperature never going under 10°C even in the middle of January nights (except during snowstorms in upper parts of the city). Sainte-Foy District is now the hi-tech hub of the city, while St-Roch is the shopping one. As a result of various geopolitical events in the 21th century (such as Internet becoming illegal due to widespread terrorism and Harlaka residents being banned from the rest of the city and eventually most of the world, and then disappearing entirely on Christmas 2093), the district of Harlaka, built after the 2029 nuclear attack on Lévis in order to house the remaining survivors, has suffered from crime and depopulation during almost its entire existence and today, it is overrun by the Tibestian alien race and their robots, and you now need special governor permission to get in.

As you learn by talking to NPC's in the game, if you thought that finding new staff in the retail job world in 2018 was hard... well... imagine Walmart being closed for over one week due to being unable to find enough staff to run the store. That's life in Quebec City, in 9108 AD. Oh, and many people hate you or are scared of you because you were built by the enemy race. But for whatever reason, they are neither scared nor attacked by monsters who dare roaming the city streets (people retaliated so often that monsters just gave up attacking locals). And for whatever reasons, half of the women in Quebec City now walk down the street in bikinis. (yeah, the game is more for a mature audience, btw xd). And just like in the 2010's, Quebec City is home of at least three :walrii: .

[spoiler="Original Post"]So I thought I would resume work on this old project, which has been dormant since about January 2009: Superstar Hero, which is an action-JRPG set in the Quebec City future of 9108, after a nearby city got destroyed. You are an hero of the Tibestian enemy race that lost his destructive memories and somehow ended up on the good side, now willing to stop his own master from destroying the world.

Your only weapon (once you buy at least one attack upgrade) is that electrical attack that damages all enemies surrounding you, along with area of effect items you can buy at shops. You can also buy defense and speed upgrades to reduce the amount of damage you take and increase the speed at which you can attack.

Changelog since v0.1 demo:
-Replaced all music not made by me
-Added new music, including some from the unfinished ROL0 remake. Most songs are still unused, though.
-Removed weird frame (resolution is now close to SNES-like, except the save/load screens)
-New enemies inside the Quebec City tunnels
-Altered some sound effects and volume
-Quebec City graphics slowed down and altered a little bit to make it a little less flashy (it's still flashy, though)
-Changed HP bar to a gradient and changed the color of defense.
-Updated project from RPG Maker 2003 v1.09 to the newly-released 1.11 (Steam version)
-Fixed some bugs introduced by updating to RPG Maker 2003 v1.11, mainly with font settings having changed.
-Added more Quebec City maps including the link between both ends
-New enemies
-Test boss

-Fix balance issues (mainly with how expensive upgrades can get)
-A lot of new maps/NPC convos
-New bosses/enemies (most bosses will most likely be Ys style, being either a standard enemy/stationary object in a room filled with projectiles you must avoid)[/spoiler]
Last Edit: September 22, 2018, 06:22:56 PM by xlibman
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u/Yuki February 28, 2017, 11:18:51 PM
Ooooh, can't wait to see :D
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 01, 2017, 04:59:36 AM
Thanks. And since it's 2017 now, this happened:

That will be handy when you want to go back and forth from the western end and eastern end of town. :P

EDIT: The animation for Walrii Express is done. Basically the flashy cat walrus rides you on a bridge all the way to the east part of town (which will have an elevator to go in the lower parts there) at very high speed.
Last Edit: March 01, 2017, 06:11:15 AM by DJ Omnimaga
u/p2 March 01, 2017, 02:37:13 PM
I really like the idea of offering a coffee walrus as a means of faster transportation inside the game :D
Will you add additional graphic effects like sparks and stuff to show how super fast a walrus can move? :)
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 01, 2017, 10:53:58 PM
No sparks, although there is a funny bug that allows the character to use his attack while riding the :walrii:. I decided to leave it intact since I thought it was funny XD (the attack is spark-based btw).

Also I did some more progress on the game. There's now a purposely crappy mini-map available for view in two of the city locations (West side entrance and the top of Montcalm Tower). The second elevator now works (the first one is blocked by security) and Walrus express can now go in both directions. I also did some updates for exits that are indoors so that they're more noticeable.
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 02, 2017, 05:05:46 AM
Sorry for the double-post, but I think this deserves a bump since it contains eye-candy (from a test boss battle)

I don't think this guy is beatable without 5 potions nor maxed out levels. :P

There is a bug, though, which makes the character move super fast if hit by multiple enemies simultaneously I think. Also I noticed a weird glitch when dying, which causes your character to become a :walrii: (I am serious)

EDIT: Also the Quebec City seen in the game now has a mini-map that can be viewed from two locations:

As you can notice, the map sucks. This was done on purpose. Notice the little notice at the bottom that says it's a government investment worth a crazy amount of gold. It's in reference to Quebec government corruption scandals, especially computer-related ones. and might give hints that  they're still going on in the year 9108 AD. :P

And the Walrii bug mentioned above was fixed.

EDIT 2: Better video quality now
Last Edit: March 02, 2017, 11:25:10 PM by DJ Omnimaga
u/p2 March 02, 2017, 10:12:26 PM
errrrm that enemy is a bit hard to spot and I didnt even get it at the beginning that thingy was attacking you.....
But I do love the tiles of the knight//vharacter, he looks both cool and cute at the same time ^.^

what is that attack you use on him, is it something like thorns, injuring him whenever he attempts to attack you?
also what are those fancy bubbles? ^^
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 02, 2017, 10:42:40 PM
Yeah that was kinda the goal. It's a small boss like some of the Star Ocean series ones that are ultra fast and not always in-screen. :P Most game enemies moves towards you but at different rate/speed, but this boss has some patterns he does from time to time like circling around while plenty of projectiles goes through the map (which loops, btw).

Also the attack is some sort of electric attack which damages all enemies surrounding you (although sometimes it can miss, such as against those green monsters in Quebec City East Side)

What I want to try at one point is make a picture appear every frame right on top of one specific event, but I'm unsure if that's possible in RPG Maker 2003. That would allow me to have some bosses that are much larger.

EDIT: Also the boss is much easier to see at 60 FPS (which is what the game runs at). For some reasons, though, Youtube doesn't support 60 fps videos that aren't 720p 16:9 or higher.
Last Edit: March 02, 2017, 10:45:04 PM by DJ Omnimaga
u/p2 March 02, 2017, 10:50:09 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on March 02, 2017, 10:42:40 PM[...] such as against those green monsters in Quebec City East Side
I assume this is how you called the map? xD
At least I hope so... :ninja:

you could add additional tiles with the character and all the other stuff getting smaller and smaller, so by going through the tiles from original size to tiny you could simulate some zoom-out effect (if you adapt the object positions)...
The enemy doesnt have to be huge, if the camera zooms out just everything else except the monster becomes tiny ;)
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 02, 2017, 11:02:45 PM
I think it's QuebecEast1 :P. I prefer not making the names too long in the map list lol. If I display the locations I will use full names, though. Technically Quebec City's west side would be Sainte-Foy today and the east side Saint-Roch, but the game timeline is so far in the future that those neighborhoods are not even recognizable anymore (other than the fact the La Planque and Laliberté retail stores are actually in the game) :P

When you save your game an acronym or shorter name is shown, since the location name is stored inside the character name field (so that it shows up in the save menu) and I think it's about 12 characters max), so Montcalm Tower shows MONTCALM TWR.

Also I doubt that zooming effect is possible since I use RPG Maker 2003 (the Steam version) :P. I can zoom in/out actual images, though, so if I can manage to display images at the same position as enemies then I could create all sorts of special effects on them.

EDIT: @p2 here is a better quality video now (running at 60 FPS if in 720p mode)

EDIT: OMG! I DID IT! I found out how to sync a picture to a specific event location so I can now have large boss sprites *.*

Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 03:23:38 AM by DJ Omnimaga
u/p2 March 03, 2017, 08:46:56 AM
these graphics are sooo much not from this century... :ninja:
I love it :love:
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 03, 2017, 03:17:32 PM
Hehe thanks. Also that boss is kinda from another dimension. I am thinking about allowing you to fight him as many times as you want. The final boss will probably be slightly easier but take much longer to go down.

u/p2 March 03, 2017, 03:27:32 PM
you maybe want to add a major change in behaviour as well as in graphics for the big boss once it reaches maybe half of its lifepoints, else the battles might get just a little bit too repetitive ;)
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 03, 2017, 04:44:38 PM
I plan to have some bosses shoot stuff, move differently and even change forms.
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 05, 2017, 06:26:14 AM

Based on this, I think I'll increase this boss HP. I manage to beat him with 2 potions left and he has 2000 HP. So I assume 3000 HP would be just enough to be beatable with 5 potions. I haven't tried playing it with a real gamepad, though, so maybe with a real gamepad he is much easier? :P

EDIT: I did it with 2 potions now. Also I realized that if I want to increase his HP I need to update each projectile one by one O.O. But yeah, 4000 HP would be more "reasonable" :trollface:

Also here's a new video of him

Last Edit: March 05, 2017, 07:28:48 AM by DJ Omnimaga
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b/[Completed] Superstar Hero (PC)

A futuristic Ys JRPG series clone inspired from Sega CD, Genesis and SNES material. Made with RPG Maker 2003.

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