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b/Randomness Started by Ivoah, August 02, 2016, 04:39:51 AM

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u/Yuki August 08, 2016, 11:42:39 PM
I never saw that site working...
u/CVSoft August 12, 2016, 10:09:48 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on August 04, 2016, 02:35:42 AM
I still can't figure out how to decrypt @CVSoft posts. Do I need to buy a special premium software to do that or do I need to guess some sort of password?
No encryption, no premium software.
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 12, 2016, 04:05:12 PM
I was too lazy to email you @Ivoah :P and @CVSoft if it's not encryption then what is it? ???
u/CVSoft August 19, 2016, 05:51:52 AM
I'll leave it as a challenge to future readers.
hint: do frequency analysis on the bytes.
u/c4ooo August 19, 2016, 12:37:44 PM
Quote from: Ivoah on August 08, 2016, 11:23:34 PM
So, this was supposed to be a little arg/treasure hunt type game. The first post said something along the lines of "go to" which would bring you to a site that said something like "Email for the next step". Nobody emailed me though, so I guess this is dead. isn't up anymore.
I went to that URL and found nothing.
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 19, 2016, 08:25:38 PM
Quote from: CVSoft on August 19, 2016, 05:51:52 AM
I'll leave it as a challenge to future readers.
hint: do frequency analysis on the bytes.
Is it related to radio stuff?
u/CVSoft August 22, 2016, 10:44:17 PM
u/Scipi August 23, 2016, 01:47:27 AM
u/CVSoft September 01, 2016, 03:04:59 AM
u/p2 February 08, 2017, 09:38:58 PM
Let's play a game:
This message is encoded in a special way that is NOT publicly used, it's a cute little code I once invented that's rather easy to memorise. In fact I can fluently talk in that code (and almost fluently hear/read it), so it's obviously nothing toooo complicated.
If you can read it, please answer in the same code ;)

66666 9dfb9 00000 f6666 99f99 f8f8f 00000 e9e9e f8f8f 78b97 66666 9dfb9 9dfb9 66666 9dfb9 78b97 00000 f6666 99f99 f8f8f e9e99 f8f8f 00000 999f9 69f99 7861e 00000 999f9 69f99 8888f e9e99 66666 66666

As soon as the first one had success I will give you another message in a rather similar but more advanced code ;)
Good luck and have fun ;D
Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 09:49:09 PM by p2
u/Sorunome February 08, 2017, 10:09:33 PM
f8e88 f999f 99699 f8f8f 7861e 00000 e9e99 99996 8888f f8f8f 66606 66606 66606 66606 66606 66606
u/p2 February 08, 2017, 10:16:31 PM
Nice! I did expect it to take you longer tho.
This one shall be harder:


Good luck
u/Sorunome February 08, 2017, 11:06:24 PM
Quote from: p2 on February 08, 2017, 10:16:31 PM
Nice! I did expect it to take you longer tho.
This one shall be harder:


Good luck
If it is what i'm thinking it is then it is meh because it can be interpreted in multiple ways yielding different things

[spoiler=what i believe the solution is]
By now it is just a number guessing game
s = "f5f7861ef6fff8f8f7861e0f5cf8ff8f8f8f0c01f1f9ff9fbb"

s_new = ["","","",""]
for c in s[::1]:
i = 3
for cc in bin(int(c,16))[2:].zfill(4):
if cc == '1':
s_new[i] += "#"
s_new[i] += "`"
i -= 1

s_new = "".join(s_new)

spacemap = [

i = 0
space_i = 0
ii = 0
for c in s_new:
print(c, end = '')
i += 1
ii += 1
if spacemap[space_i] == ii:
ii = 0
space_i += 1
print('  ', end = '')
if i == len(s):
i = 0
space_i = 0
ii = 0

For those interested, the output is

###  #``#`  #`#  #  #`  #`#  #``#`  `  ##`  #`#  #`  #`#`#  `  `  `  ###  ###  ###  #  # 
#`#  #`#`#  ###  #  #`  #`#  #`#`#  `  #``  #`#  #`  #`#`#  `  `  `  `#`  #`#  #`#  #  # 
###  #`#`#  ###  #  #`  #`#  #`#`#  `  ###  #`#  #`  #`#`#  `  #  `  `#`  #`#  #`#  `  ` 
#`#  `#``#  #`#  #  ##  ###  `#``#  `  #`#  ###  ##  #####  `  #  `  `#`  ###  ###  #  # 

Making it a silly number-guessing game because letters are oriented in random ways and you don't know how wide they are etc.

Anyhow, it says something like "ASWILUS RULE, TOO!!"

So only the first word requires more number-guessing, in the spacemap, that is

EDIT2: Why am I spending so much time on this? What am I doing with my life?
Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 11:29:36 PM by Sorunome
u/p2 February 09, 2017, 08:48:29 AM
ok soru you did it O.O
[spoiler=The Solution]But it said "Fishies rule, too!"
in this method, as you already found out, I use shorter versions for various letters, by rotating them 90°
so an "F" will be "F5" and an "L" will be "F8"
sadly it's not 100% failsafe as you found out, too... it's got multiple solutions :/

f5 f 7861e f6f f f8f8f 7861e 0 f5a f8f f8 f8f8f 0 c 0 1f1 f9f f9f b b

sadly there was a little mistake in the R (I did a "c" instead of an "a" but you could still read it (marked red) ^^
and I told you in IRC that you could add another "b" at the end of the string as you disliked the length of 49 (marked orange) ;)
I honestly didnt think you could read it that easily... xD
congrats  :thumbsup:
u/Sorunome February 09, 2017, 11:14:36 AM
I thought you messed up on the R, lol :P

Anyhow, good luck

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