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When did you start programming? (poll)

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b/Calculator Talk publicado por u/Dream of Omnimaga June 30, 2016, 02:23:29 AM
So I thought it would be interesting to make a poll asking people when approximately they started programming for calculators, but you can answer even if you never touched a calculator too. I have set the poll by three years chunk so that each period spans a specific TI community era. For example, 1994-96 was when ZShell arrived and when was about to come to birth and back in the days, it seemed like the TI community was split into specific eras anyway (especially after 2008 where it's almost like a new TI community started)

Once you answered the poll, you should reply to this topic with more details, such as the specific year you started calculator programming (if applicable) and the year you started programming in general.

I myself started programming for calculators before other platforms, in 2001 with the TI-83+ and a few months later I started PC programming.
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u/unknownloner June 30, 2016, 02:54:52 AM
In 2011 I started programming my TI-83+ in BASIC (yes 83+, I didn't get the 84+SE for some bizarre reason), both pure and soon after hybrid. In 2012 I branched out to computer programming, and I discovered Axe. I think I learned z80 assembly in late 2013, but I'm not sure.
Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 02:56:51 AM by unknownloner
u/bb010g June 30, 2016, 03:06:45 AM
2005-2007ish? I don't know. It was VBScript for the sole purpose of making MS Agents act. There wasn't much "real" programming until 2009-2010 probably, when I started trying out Scratch, BYOB, and reading a crap ton of code. I'm actually coding things now, which is nice. I've been attempting since 2012-2013.
u/Yuki June 30, 2016, 03:33:07 AM
I started calc programming around 2005, back in Grade 9 (Sec. 3 for you Québec people, I was 15) when I got my TI-83+ to use for school and, being curious like I am, immediately looked for every option this thing had to offer, and so I learned its BASIC language. Around the same time I discovered Le Site du Zéro (now OpenClassrooms, that website began being too commercial ._.) and started programming in C, and even before I began coding in HTML and Javascript. I remember back then, I had a computer, but I wasn't really allowed Internet for the simple reason we still had 56K (remember we actually had to connect to Internet over the phone line? Pepperidge Farms remembers) and I was allowed like, 10 minutes a month, so all I did is clicking pretty much every file in the file system, every option in every program and the control panel, I really liked this fun game, Microsoft Excel... so of course I did the same with my calc. And everything remotely configurable. So imagine when we first got cable Internet... whoa. I was flabbergasted by the fact I could download a Simple Plan MP3 in less than a minute on KaZaA. I digress, but yeah I was really active in calc programming, to the point I was known at school as the guy who's always on his calc, but somehow still always get 100% scores, my teachers wanted to reprimand me but couldn't have a reason to because I still was so good. Anyway, I knew and sites like that since 2005, but it was only in 2010 when I discovered Omnimaga I began sharing with the community. And my life began a serious downfall became the king of the Internet.
u/princetonlion.tibd June 30, 2016, 05:59:42 AM
I started in 6th grade for a competition (, which was 3 years ago. (I think.)
u/Snektron June 30, 2016, 08:18:25 AM
Its pretty hard to say when i really started. I did some android tutorials and bukkit plugin stuff experimentation when i was 14-15, adn started doing lua (due to computercraft) when i was 15. Then again, i have a lego NXT brick since i was like 11  so you could count that as programming too...
u/JWinslow23 June 30, 2016, 08:28:17 AM
I started programming for TI calculators in 2012, in seventh grade. I saw a video of brusspup playing games on his 4-function calculator (an obvious hoax), and I wanted to see if you could actually do that kind of thing in real life. Turns out you can, so here I am. The only trouble is, 2012-internet-me was arrogant as hell, and all for doing not-so-amazing things. I'm pretty sure I got banned from at least three forums during that time, one of them being Omnimaga (hey, long live potatoes :P ).

As for programming in general...I'm not sure, but I think I did some amateur Batch and VBScript at one point for pranks. My mom actually believed I was "sending all her stuff to hackers" :P .
u/brentmaas June 30, 2016, 11:14:44 AM
As you specified calculator programming, I started quite soon after I got the thing for school halfway into 2013. For programming in general, I started back in early 2011 by typing over maze games from YouTube until I knew what code did what.
u/Unicorn July 01, 2016, 06:21:08 PM
I started with some HTML and messing around with misc languages in 6th grade (2012 or so) and then in 7th grade I discovered that you could put games on calculators, which led to programming calcs, which lead to some ruby and C now.
u/Dream of Omnimaga July 03, 2016, 04:30:07 PM
Thanks for answering so far. It's definitively interesting to see how long ago overall our users started programming. And yeah Cumred I think NXT would count as programming. Nxtboy III on Omni made NXT games actually. HTML, on the other hand, would be more a markup language (although maybe HTML5 can be used for programming?). RPG Maker and the like might not count too, but perhaps it could be included in a different poll where we ask when did you start making games?

As for myself this was my programming timeline:

July 2001: TI-BASIC
September 2001: Visual Basic 6
2008: Casio Basic
February 2010: Axe Parser
Late 2013: HP PPL

There were also failed attempts at learning ASM and C, in 2004, 05 and for C in 2008, and I also used RPG Maker in 2007-08 and 2012.
u/c4ooo July 05, 2016, 09:15:25 AM
HTML5 is still a markup language. *I may be wrong*, but as far as i understand people refer to the new versions of HTML/JavaScript/CSS together as "HTML 5". So if you make a game in "HTML5" you are still using JavaScript.
u/Snektron July 05, 2016, 09:18:09 AM
Yeah its pretty hard to make any logic in HTML :P
u/c4ooo July 05, 2016, 09:23:40 AM

<!--[if !IE]><!--><p>your winner<p><!--<![endif]-->
<!--[if IE]><!--><p>you lost<p><!--<![endif]-->

u/Dream of Omnimaga July 06, 2016, 04:06:28 AM
c4ooo pulling a Big Rigs :P

But yeah I kinda thought that maybe a pure HTML5 game was impossible or something. It would still be cool to see, though.
u/Yuki July 06, 2016, 04:52:56 AM
HTML5 not only refers to the markup language, but also the Javascript APIs lying behind each tag. For example, the drawing functions associated with <canvas>, the playing functions of <video> and <audio>, etc. Some stuff, such as local storage, may not be associated to a tag, but may still be part of the HTML5 standard.
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