If you noticed that my posting rate have been sporadic in the last few days, it is because I am in the middle of one of my many attempt to achieve hybrid TI-BASIC stuff long before the libs required to do it comes out.
-In early 2004, I released several games that would have been better off released one year later using xLIB. (Sorry
-In late 2004, months before xLIB APP was even considered (sorry again, tr1p1ea
), I got around the lack of it by using Omnicalc Sprite() command as a XOR'ed RecallPic command in order to achieve dithered grayscale.
-In 2010, I achieved Axe grayscale before it even supported that feature.
-12 years later, even though Doors CE 9 isn't even released, I'm saying "screw it, I'm doing sprites anyway." (sry again tr1p
Updated screenshot, as of March 30th:
Old screenshots below:
http://img.codewalr.us/cetextlibtilemapdisplay.gifhttps://img.ourl.ca/spriteoffset.gifhttps://img.ourl.ca/spritecoloroffset.gifhttps://img.ourl.ca/mapenginenocollosionz.gifhttp://img.codewalr.us/newmaplayout.pnghttp://img.ourl.ca/mapenginefasterchar.gifhttp://img.codewalr.us/cetextlibtilemapupdate2.gifhttps://img.ourl.ca/mapenginetitleidea.gifhttp://img.ourl.ca/mapenginefasterchar.gifBasically, this is the bruteforce attempt at drawing sprites on the 84+CE without xLIBC/Celtic, while still sticking to hybrid BASIC. It's slow, but still bearable (parts of the slowdown are due to having to create a list of 162 elements every loop iteration). An even more bruteforce approach would be to draw all wall tiles in one TEXTLIB command, but that might be overkill (I might try doing it anyway, though).
Anyway, the above fetches sprites from a list then draws them using CE Textlib rectangles to give something that looks a bit like Atari 2600 graphics. Now here is a second tilemap engine that uses 100% dynamic data:
http://img.codewalr.us/cetextlibdynamictilemapdatadisplay.gifThis one is almost twice slower, though, so it wouldn't be practical for use inside a game. But here is what it features:
-Supports two different tiles per map excluding the floor (which is a plain color)
-You can assign any sprite you want to the two slots
-Both slots use their own color palette (4 colors each), which you can change at will (so you can re-use the same tiles over and over)
Anyway it seems that if we want BASIC sprites we don't have to wait for Doors CE release, after all. (I recommend waiting anyway, but I tend to always do things ahead of their time)
Ironically, the idea was inspired from
@netham45 's screen inverter program on
ticalc.org (due to the fact I draw 48 rectangles in one single list of 162 elements).
Click here for March 2016 demo! (requires
CE Textlib)