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Messages - ben_g

Quote from: TheMachine02 on September 01, 2016, 08:34:47 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on August 31, 2016, 01:43:04 AM
Would the 2D image scaling thing be used for textures and 2D sprites like in Doom ?

Yep, it is the objective.

As for AA, it is quite hard to get it running at a good speed. I am currently trying a x2 only AA (which increase quality netherless) but is fast as it only use 50% blending. (and there isn't a lot of thing to track).

Maybe you could look into FXAA which is much faster than MSAA (at least on computers, it may be bad on calculators because they lack shading hardware). But since calculators generally handle low-poly environments, an AA triangle drawing routine would probably be best for both quality and speed.

For in games, I think that it's best to drop AA and instead use that processing power for more triangles and/or textures. AA makes renders look very pretty, but I think games are better off with more detailed levels rather than with AA'd rendering. AA is still a nice feature for stuff like model viewers though, since framerate and responsiveness is not  that important there.
Other / Re: How good is your French?
September 02, 2016, 12:12:53 PM,1472817363,9ywfam

It was actually not that hard. Some of the suggested answers were indeed weird though.
Tech, Science & IT / Re: Windows 10
August 09, 2016, 12:34:57 PM
Restart always restarts completely because when you select 'restart' from the start menu, it's usually either because you want to fix something or when you installed something that needs a complete restart to become effective. In both of these cases saving/loading the state would be a bad idea. Also hybrid shutdown doesn't use any power while the computer is turned off. It's really just a matter of saving/loading data instead of having to initialize everything at startup.
Tech, Science & IT / Re: Windows 10
August 08, 2016, 07:16:57 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on August 08, 2016, 06:48:07 PM
Ah ok, and I assume there's a way to make the PC boot from scratch? Otherwise that could be nasty during a BSOD or another bad crash O.O
Windows saves it's "state" on a normal shutdown from the start menu. Any other way of shutting down, like crashes, holding down the power button or clicking restart from the start menu, do not save that information and Windows will boot the old-fashioned way rather than using hybrid boot.
PC, Mac & Vintage Computers / Re: c4's 3D Game Engine
August 07, 2016, 01:39:12 PM
Quote from: c4ooo on August 05, 2016, 05:37:31 AM
The problem is happening because frame rates are *too low*. The higher the frame rate the more accurate the collision, as object move less per frame if frame rates are higher.
If 60fps is not enough, then you can 'simulate' higher framerates by handling the collision in multiple steps: If an object moves from point A to B, then first handle the collision as if the object moved to the location in the middle between A and B, and then handle it for location B if no collision occurred. You can increase the amount of steps as necessary, and you can even make it depend on the framerate.

If you don't reach 60fps, then you could try to optimize the rendering, since LWJGL should be more than capable of rendering a scene like that at 60fps even on very slow computers. If you don't have a lot of experience with shaders, then also try to find out more about how they work, since they work a bit differently than software that runs on the CPU. For example, branching (if's and loops) can cause a big performance drop in shaders, and it's often better to do extra calculations in order to avoid branching.
PC, Mac & Vintage Computers / Re: c4's 3D Game Engine
August 03, 2016, 10:12:33 AM
Quote from: c4ooo on August 03, 2016, 09:17:32 AM
Lol no its a giant monkey head  ;)

It's a standard mesh in Blender, intended for testing stuff like materials on a relatively complex surface, for those wondering.
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on July 29, 2016, 04:43:03 PM
Wait, by ignoring Y, wouldn't slopes cause you to move towards the lower end of the slope but without actually going downwards?
Y is the up axis in LWJGL, so what he means is that he calculates the height of the floor at the player's location and just sets the player's height to that value. This means that slopes work, but the (horizontal) speed of the player will always be the same regardless of the slopê's steepness (so a player would walk up a slope that goes 10m up and 1m forwards in the same time as a flat floor of 1m).
Quote from: ::CMG (UTOPIA):: on July 28, 2016, 01:49:48 PM
...  Granted, the 3DS has that whole "Gyroscope" s***, but i can only think of like a handful games that actually use that (2 of them are part of the built-in software in the console itself), plus the 3D isn't forced... you can turn it off completely and it won't affect the gaming experience.
Majora's mask uses the gyroscope to aid aiming. The analog stick is good for fast aiming in the general direction, and the gyroscope provides additional accuracy. With that system, you can aim almost as accuratly as with a mouse, so I think that the gyroscope is actually a good addition.
Tech, Science & IT / Re: Windows 10
July 27, 2016, 09:16:15 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on July 27, 2016, 08:43:44 PM I assume it's because my 8 GB of RAM is only DDR3...
The clock speed and latency is what matters most. High-end DDR3 should still be more than fast enough. DDR4 will eventually become the new standard, but I don't think it's worth the extra cost yet.
Drawing & Animation / Re: Claw logo request
July 25, 2016, 08:57:59 PM
I kinda suck at drawing and I'm not creative with logos, but if you gave me a sketch, then I could vectorize that for you.
Quote from: Streetwalrus on July 18, 2016, 06:33:49 PM
Quote from: ben_g on July 18, 2016, 02:32:31 PM
I currently have 20GB of RAM in my computer. But the main reason behind this is that I bought a 16GB kit when I built my PC last year (To be able to run heavy software like Unreal Engine and Inventor without swapping, and then I found 2 extra 2GB in an old PC and I just put those in because there were still 2 slots free and who doesn't like free extra RAM?
You might be limited in bandwidth by those extra 4GB if they are cheaper than the 16GB you bought. Each memory channel is constrained by the slowest stick you put in. Of course, for your use case which is mostly caching large amounts of data, it's actually beneficial since otherwise that data would be swapped or re-read from disk which would be much slower, even with an SSD.
Actually,  the extra 4GB has exactly the same specs than the original 16GB (apart from the capacity off course). And yeah, I think software like Unreal mostly use that much RAM to cache stuff, since it seems to always try to use as much RAM as it can without causing swapping (as long as all of it is needed). My guess is that it temporarily loads as much from rendered levels and lightmaps as possible in the RAM because reading/writing there is much faster than doing it from the hard drive (especially since most people store Unreal Engine projects on an HDD, since they can get quite big).
I currently have 20GB of RAM in my computer. But the main reason behind this is that I bought a 16GB kit when I built my PC last year (To be able to run heavy software like Unreal Engine and Inventor without swapping, and then I found 2 extra 2GB in an old PC and I just put those in because there were still 2 slots free and who doesn't like free extra RAM?

It does actually get used almost completely when doing heavy lighting building in Unreal Engine or when rendering in Inventor.
Quote from: TheMachine02 on July 12, 2016, 02:47:09 PM

You managed to render a lit 3500 triangle model at that speed? This lib is getting really amazing.
Quote from: Dudeman313 on July 10, 2016, 01:25:02 PM
I think the HoloLens works somewhere close to that, but I can't see the video. D:

I think the youtube embedder plugin is just acting weird. If you quote his post, you can see the link:

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on July 08, 2016, 08:49:19 PM
I guess the video is misleading then. But it seemed like the person could sometimes hold holographic objects? And yeah I doubt it will ever match VR.
I think it just uses the 3D screens, a tracked controller and head tracking to make the objects appear in the same position as the controller. Unlike actual holograms, this would also mean that only 1 person can view everything correctly.
It looks like they're just projecting images on all walls and use 3D glasses to give those images depth. Technology like that already exists quite long, but as far as I know, it never has been used commercially until now. They're not really holograms though.

It looks interesting, but I doubt that the quality will be comparable to VR.
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