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Messages - alexgt

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on December 07, 2016, 05:25:29 AM
@alexgt when you have the money and when it starts coming together, you should make a new topic about it. :P

(also I'M late lol)
I haven't worked on this in a while money, time (FRC Robotics), and school have stopped me...

Quote from: DarkestEx on February 03, 2017, 09:14:36 PM
Quote from: alexgt on November 16, 2016, 03:58:58 AM
Nice work @DarkestEx , I like what I see ;).

I have started a Rasp Pi project similar to this, I am hoping to make it at about the same form factor as a ti 84+. It will feature a 480x320 Resistive touch display (I could not find any at that resolution with capacitive touch), a super slimmed down Rasp Pi 3 (completely removing the ethernet port, because of the built-in WiFi and replacing the double USB with single high ones), A full qwerty custom keyboard (with the display beeing directly hooked up to the GPIO pins and not leaving many left I decided to use an Arduino pro mini to multiplex the keyboard to save on GPIO, plans could still change though), and a 3.7v 2000mAh Lipo battery.

My goal with this s to have the portability of a calculator and the power of Pi smashed into one. Also, I could hook it up to any TV in my house and stream games to it from my host PC (don't know how well that would work with the lack of an ethernet port though). This will be a long-term project since I literally have none of the parts or the money to order them :P. And instead of rushing it and not having it just right I want to take m time ad plan everything, I plan on using it sooo... :P
Tried a while back. It's a never ending rabbit hole. TLDR: The battery will not fit. We are working on a modified Casio Classpad 300 which fits a Pi3 + TFT shield + battery perfectly fine.
I planning to 3d print the case so that would solve fitting issues.

Wow, been a while since I posted *.*
Nice work @DarkestEx , I like what I see ;).

I have started a Rasp Pi project similar to this, I am hoping to make it at about the same form factor as a ti 84+. It will feature a 480x320 Resistive touch display (I could not find any at that resolution with capacitive touch), a super slimmed down Rasp Pi 3 (completely removing the ethernet port, because of the built-in WiFi and replacing the double USB with single high ones), A full qwerty custom keyboard (with the display beeing directly hooked up to the GPIO pins and not leaving many left I decided to use an Arduino pro mini to multiplex the keyboard to save on GPIO, plans could still change though), and a 3.7v 2000mAh Lipo battery.

My goal with this s to have the portability of a calculator and the power of Pi smashed into one. Also, I could hook it up to any TV in my house and stream games to it from my host PC (don't know how well that would work with the lack of an ethernet port though). This will be a long-term project since I literally have none of the parts or the money to order them :P. And instead of rushing it and not having it just right I want to take m time ad plan everything, I plan on using it sooo... :P
It does look like a bit of competition...

I have still been working on this as far as world gen goes so hopefully I will have a new BETA with collision detection and a player ;)
It would be cool to try and sell an app that was super expensive and did nothing xD (if some people bought it of course)
I like the new contest ideas!
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 14, 2016, 01:43:36 AM
On an off-topic note, is Zampy's Quest dead?
At the moment (hence lack of time) but I have put some thought into it lately and if it returns it will use the same engine as in MinePrime ;)
Web / Re: FreeCodeCamp
June 14, 2016, 11:48:26 PM
Hopefully. It might clear up more in ~3 weeks (then drivers ed will be done ;))
Quote from: TheMachine02 on June 10, 2016, 09:15:30 PM
OpenCV is a library about picture real time treatment and javaCV is the java interface to the lib.  :P
What he said.

Ans OpenCV is an image processing lib
Media Talk / Re: Funny/awesome Youtube videos
June 13, 2016, 09:25:14 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 11, 2016, 06:28:03 AM
Ok so since every single Cemetech, CodeWalrus, Omnimaga and other site members who live in United States have guns, I thought I would share this gun safety video :P

Seriously, though, I saw some gun fails videos there and if I was to get a gun or use one for whatever reason I would prefer documenting myself on it first, so I know how to properly set up the safety and know other safety tips >.<

Also when we were kid here we always played with toy guns outdoors. It was fun, but good thing real ones aren't very common here because I know many parents in this neighboorhood used no common sense so if a kid found a real one he would probably have hurt himself badly >.<
That is really funny ROFL  xD
Web / Re: FreeCodeCamp
June 13, 2016, 09:15:04 PM
Well, it has been 4 days of summer and this is the first time I coud post sooooo.... I should be aable to still plug away at MinePrime but I can't put all my time into it
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 08, 2016, 07:40:09 PM
Yeah true. Can you re-use old code from the map generation and adapt it to the new map format, though?

Also you could use a :walrii: as character placeholder for now, even if it's a little large.
I could use old code but I have an idea of what I want to do for it ;)

Yeah, right now I am not working a bunch on this (no I am not dropping the project) but I have to get JavaCV and OpenCV working so I am putting all my time into that...
Nice, I like the revival (even though I never saw the original :P) personally I only look at CW news but should make it easier than going to all the sites ;)
Yeah, I have to work out world gen to get at least a primitive world working and then I can start on collision ;) because as of now there would be no point to world collision because it is one giant block of blocks :P
Well, should I use my calc anymore till a patch comes out for fear of bricking?
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