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Messages - JWinslow23

Media Talk / Re: Funny/awesome Youtube videos
April 06, 2018, 09:48:43 PM
Quote from: TheLastMillennial on April 03, 2018, 03:23:31 AM
Sooo bad, but sooo hilarious. Good job JWinslow23! That's quite an impressive representation of John Oliver and Last Week Tonight.
For the first time I didn't fall asleep learning World Literature. You better have made a 100% with this! :D

What software did you use to make and compile the video?
Sony Vegas Pro. And yes, I did end up getting a 100% ;)
Quote from: gbl08ma on April 02, 2018, 02:43:09 PM
Why did you shut it down? Was the stream of incorrect tweets too much for it to handle? :D

These kinds of error-correcting / "grammar nazi" bots are very popular on Reddit. They also seem to get banned from many subreddits, perhaps because many people find the corrections condescending or that they break the flow of conversation. On Twitter it would be different, though, as unlike what happens on Reddit, Twitter threads don't really get to see all the replies listed... so it'd be pretty easy to ignore such bots.
It got restricted from performing write actions by Twitter, meaning I cannot do anything with it. I tried to resolve it...again...but I don't think it's going to get unrestricted. :(

If anyone knows of a way to make this kind of Twitter bot more "Twitter automation rule friendly", let me know!
Recently, as a little exercise, I made a Twitter bot called On Accident Bot, which detects tweets that use the improper phrase "on accident" and corrects them with "by accident".

If anyone wants explanation, clarification, or source code, please don't hesitate to ask!
Media Talk / Re: Funny/awesome Youtube videos
March 20, 2018, 12:48:07 PM

Made for a school project involving Dracula.
Other / Re: Personal list of NES Game Genie codes
March 12, 2018, 07:45:26 PM

I was playing through Takeshi no Chousenjou recently, and I couldn't get far, but I wanted to see the ending. Apparently, according to an internet rumor, punching 30,720 times at the title screen warps you to the final room of the game, which sounds outlandish. However, looking through the code of the game, it's entirely true!

Therefore, I had to make a Game Genie code related to this. My results are EGOYESOK and GONNOGLE (both attempts at making "readable" codes), which do the same thing: punch once at the title screen to warp to the final room of the game.

The ending, of course, is underwhelming. :P
Consoles / Re: Graphics-hacking Super Mario Bros.
February 20, 2018, 05:57:36 PM
Ask @MateoConLechuga for that. ;)
Consoles / Re: Graphics-hacking Super Mario Bros.
February 20, 2018, 11:00:28 AM

Since I've last updated here, I have made many more graphics changes (not all of them that I was wanting to, though). However, the biggest new thing I've added is this:

Now, both before each level AND when going in pipes, Mario flashes his trademark peace sign! You have no idea how much ASM hacking I had to do to get it to this state :P

Download link in the first post!
Calculator Development / Re: Commands?
January 25, 2018, 02:14:48 PM
ln( is the natural logarithm, log base e (= 2.71828182845...).

Web has to do with graphing iterations of a function in Seq mode, and is admittedly of little use to programmers.

Time has a similar use to Web, but it graphs sequences as series of points.

Menu( does take a stupid amount of storage, yes, but to be fair, making your own menu often takes more (not always, though!).

Lbl and Goto are used to jump to places in the program. Lbl marks points in the program with one or two character names (which can include 0-9, A-Z, and theta), and Goto jumps directly to those points.

GarbageCollect is a command (usually triggered automatically) that clears up "garbage" data in the archive, which can build up if you archive and unarchive things often.

sin(, cos(, and tan( (as well as the many variants you will find in the catalog with 2ND+0) are trigonometric functions. cos( represents an X value on the unit circle, sin( represents a Y value on the unit circle, and tan( is the sin( value divided by the cos( value (which can result in an error if cos(X)=0!).

For future reference, TI-BASIC Developer is a good resource for any information you need about a command. :)
Quote from: mazhat on January 22, 2018, 09:51:37 PM
Not that it makes a difference, but you can write "While 5=5" as just "While 5".
You'll save yourself a whole two bytes!

While 1, even!
I think what would help you here is the command getKey. It returns the last key pressed as a number based roughly on what row and column it's on on the keyboard (and 0 if nothing). For instance, the sin( key is in the 5th row and 2nd column, so you would check in this instance if getKey = 52. (In practice, you're almost always gonna want to store this to a variable and instead check that.)

The arrow keys are a bit more complicated. Up, left, and right are considered in the second row, and down is considered in the third row. So left is 24, up is 25, right is 26, and down is 34.

Also, any particular reason you have a While 5=5 loop?
Hm, interesting. I did a similar project to yours in middle school for my own amusement, using the same method as well. In my junior year, in the tail end of 2016 I made a new scheme for a similar idea, and a year later I made a game with this same engine. I'll see if I can show you what I did to improve my system through the years.

What I ended up doing for processing string input is taking each space-delimited word and looking it up in a little "table" of sorts (which also has synonyms and some misspellings), and checking for a certain list of words in order to give a response. This allows much flexibility in what one can enter.
For example, "WHAT ARE YOU CALLED" might be transformed into "398C" after the words are looked up, as would "WAT R YA CALLED" or "WUTZ R U CALLD". Checking to see if it was transformed into "398C" checks for those and more with one command.

Keep in mind, this was my own method, and perhaps this would be either too hard or too overkill for your purposes. A simpler way to allow a bit more flexibility with input is to do the following:
" "+Str1+" "->Str1
If inString (Str1," HI "):Then
Disp "HEY, NERD."

assuming Str1 contains your input. This would allow the same response for "HI", "HI THERE", "OH HI ERMINE", and much more, but not "I LIKE THIS" (a string that simply has H and I in that order).

As far as producing different outputs, you might want to look into randomized output. Come up with a bunch of different responses, and then do this:
If inString(Str1," HI "):Then
If R=1:Disp "HEY, NERD."
If R=2:Disp "OH, HI."
If R=3:Disp "YO, DUDE."

This code has a 1/5 chance of returning "HEY, NERD.", "OH, HI.", "YO, DUDE.", etc. There are quite a few ways of optimizing this, but for now I'll leave this as an exercise to the reader ;)

One last thing to consider: you cannot possibly code for every possible input individually, but the chatbot should respond to anything inputted to it. To handle this, perhaps code in some catch-all messages for when no pattern was matched. Here's the way I'd do that:

If inString(Str1," HI "):Then
"HI code here
Goto E

Repeat 1
"catch-all code here
Lbl E

This jumps past any other command checking so it doesn't respond twice, and it allows for the chatbot to respond to literally anything, even if it doesn't understand it.

I hope this helps you improve ERMINE!
PC, Mac & Vintage Computers / Re: Another Pi Language
January 12, 2018, 12:09:11 AM
I like that you implemented the pi language that works with the bits of pi...because they're the same as the bits of tau, just bit-shifted! ;D
Calculator Development / Re: [TI-84+CE] QR encoder
December 22, 2017, 12:50:26 PM
Awesome! Can you modify this to do multiple levels? (i.e. the higher the level gets, the more of it can be removed while still being able to detect the message)

Now, the game is 8K, and I've changed the name to reflect this.

Download attached. Try the magic word, XYZZY!

Fixed a small glitch with examining items, and a fatal glitch with displaying your inventory.

Download attached.
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