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Messages - hll9264

Sorry yall I'm confused by all this terminology.  Am I not able to get the CAS on my CX?  I upgraded to 3.6 through the tutorial download files, I didn't use TI's download, so maybe that'll allow me to downgrade?  My hardware version is C. 
Hello fellow Walruses!  I'm new to this community and this is my first project!  I managed to download Ndless 3.6 onto my TI-nspire CX calculator.  Now I'm looking for help to download the CAS OS.  I noticed under Ndless apps there's a file called NCalc with the description "Native access to the CAS engine," does this mean it's a download for the CAS OS?  I also noticed it won't give me the option to download this file.  Any Walrus friends willing to help a new walrus on the block?  ;D
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! @Dudeman313 @Araidia @DJ Omnimaga  This is a pleasant community to be a part of  :love: With your guys help so far I managed to install Ndless on my TI-nspire CX! I had software version 3.0.2 and upgraded to 3.6 to perform the installation successfully.  Now I'm onto figuring out how to download the CAS OS!

Yall are the best!
Other / Re: New member introductions: Say hello here!
February 26, 2016, 01:17:02 AM
Hello All!  My name is Anne and I'm new to this forum. ;D
In December I bought a TI-Nspire CX from a classmate, he only used it for linear algebra a couple years ago.  At the time, I didn't realize that the CAS has a lot more capabilities.  I'm already passed my math classes, now I'm in engineering classes where no regard is given to the type of calculator used (in the classes where a graphing calculator is allowed).  I'd like to install the CAS OS onto my CX along with anything else that would be beneficial for my electrical and computer engineering classes.  I'd also like to learn how to program my calculator to do tedious operations in engineering/physics/math.  I've only had introductory courses in C, C++, Java, and Assembly, so I'm afraid to do this on my own.  But I'm here for the helpful calculator community!   ;D  :blah: (I really wanted to do this emoji)  :w00t: (and this one too)
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