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Topics - brentmaas

Long story short; about three months ago I wanted to use said program to create a backup of my Windows 10 machine. It failed again and again, and a thorough chkdsk revealed that every single cluster of the external HDD it was writing to was marked bad.

Today I managed to get myself to have a look at it. Interestingly, a little digging with diskpart made me discover that -8MB (yes, negative 8 megabytes) was free for usage. I erased the partition and did a full format, taking about 6,5h. So far I seem to be able to create txt-files on it again, another chkdsk will be done to confirm the disk's functionality.

I now believe Windows 7 legacy Backup raped (most accurate expression) the poor disk's MBR.

tl;dr: Window 7 legacy Backup destroys external harddisks on Windows 10.
Gaming / (split) CodeWalrus Minecraft Server
October 12, 2015, 12:56:50 PM
Talking about Minecraft, I haven't heard anything about the server that was supposed to be set up in a while...


CodeWalrus Minecraft server: (Creative)
BosaikNet Minecraft server: (Survival)
First topic I've seen so far...

Quote from: iv.bat ~ README.txtiv.bat is made to be precisely 140 B and will, when run, check if it's 140 B.
If it is, it will write 'qq' at the end of the file, therefore becoming more that 140 B, break the filesize limit and invalidate itself.
When run again with the invalid version, it will tell you it's no longer a valid entry.
Gaming / CodeWalrus Steam Group
June 17, 2015, 05:42:55 PM
Heyo all,

Eiyeron, Cumred and I were just playing some Borderlands when it struck us, where's the CW Steamgroup? Well now it's here:
CodeWalrus Steam Group

I'm all open to suggestions as some sections aren't fully filled in, just keep a couple of things in mind:
-I can't change the tag to 'CW' or 'Walrii' as those are already taken.
-<Insert forum's rules>

It's a public group, so feel free to join!
Contests / [4x3 contest][java] PixCiv
May 30, 2015, 08:19:26 PM
Old post for no reason:
[spoiler]Hello there,

Not much to see here right now, just notifying you guys that I'll also be submitting an entry somewhere tomorrow. This topic will be edited later to accomodate a proper entry. For now, enjoy a quick screeny of me beating the c out of the AI (as far as that's clear).

Okay here we go! Right before the deadline, I may present you guys: PixCiv!

PixCiv was originally intended to be a very simple version of Sid Meier's Civilization, but it has actually turned out more like Risk, whatever.

Original readme (which includes some screenies):
[spoiler]PixCiv ~ 4x3 Contest Entry by brentmaas
Link to topic:

Environment: Java Runtime Environment (minimal version: 1.8)
Compilation: Nope! Already did that for you! Just double-click 'PixCiv.jar'.

How to play
//This was originally a Word document (I misread) where I made a graphical explanation.
//The Word document is also at the root of the zip.
//Any images in the document are replaced by <Imagename.jpg>, where Imagename.jpg can be found in the Images folder in the root of the zip.
//Sorry for any inconveniece

After loading up the game, you'll be presented the 'Main Menu':

First of all: the slowly in- and out-fading white pixel is the 'Cursor', moved by either the arrow keys or ASDW and activated by the Enter key.
The Cursor is used to activate or click the pixels that perform certain actions. The Cursor fades quite slow to reduce/eliminate the risk of epilepsy.
The background is just decoration (an instance of a randomly generated map), but the bright green pixel in the centre represents 'Start Game' and the red pixel to the right of it represents 'Quit Game'.

Pressing the 'Start Game' pixel will bring up the 'Game Mode Selection' menu.

In here, clicking the top-left red pixel will return you to the Main Menu.
The two green pixels are the two available game modes, described by the red and yellow pixels below:
-Red and greyed out yellow: human player vs. the AI.
-Red and normal yellow: human player vs. human player.

Clicking any of the two game modes will start the game:

In here, you'll see land tiles (green), sea tiles (blue).
Tiles coloured red are owned by player 1 and tiles coloured yellow are owned by player 2.
Only land tiles can be conquered, sea tiles are there to give the world a little shape and cannot be conquered.
Pressing the Escape key will bring up the Pause Menu:

In here, top-left green returns to the game and bottom-left red stops the game and returns to the Main Menu. The red and yellow tiles are there to show whose turn it is, flashy red for red's turn, flashy yellow for yellow's turn.
Flashing is in sync with the cursor (again to reduce/eliminate epilepsy risk).
Pressing Escape again will also return to the game.

When clicking any of the tiles owned by the current player on turn will show up the Tile Info:

Clicking top-right red or pressing Escape will return you back to the game.
The white, blue and grey pixels on top of each other represent the 'Modes' the tile can be in.
Modes require one turn to update:
-White: Inactive mode. No bonuses. This mode is automatically on from the start of the game and any tile will switch to this mode whenever it is captured.
-Blue: Scout mode. Provides +50% attack bonus. Although it says 'Scout mode', this mode will not reveal information about its neighbouring tiles.
-Grey: Fortify mode. Provides +100% defend bonus. Fortifying tiles will usually keep them safe, especially when they reached their full capacity of six troops. Do not rely on this, though, because multiple surrounding tiles can still take it out and the other player might send waves of troops instead of six troops per six turns.
On the entire right-hand side of the screen is the Troop Meter, which can range from zero to six. The Troop Meter will also indicate which mode the tile is on. It will slowly blink between the old and new mode if the mode is going to change next turn. The Meter indicates the amount of troops like this:
6   3
5   2
4   1
And zero troops if the whole thing is empty. Troops will replenish every turn on every non-neutral tile.

Finally, the magenta pixel of the middle-left opens the Mover:

The red top-right pixel will return to the tile, just like pressing Escape, and the green middle-left pixel will allow you to select where to move the selected troops to.
On the right is another special version of the Troop Meter. The indication works the same, but the grey pixels represent unselected troops, equal to the amount of troops in the tile, and white pixels represent selected troops.
Clicking any of the available tiles will select that amount of troops.
Pressing the green continue pixel will bring up the normal world again.
Although this time, if you click next to the tile you selected earlier (either horizontally or vertically, not diagonally), the amount of troops you selected will perform a movement to that tile.
If the tile is yours, they will simply be transferred to that tile.
If the tile if neutral (green), they will take over the tile without casualties.
If the tile is the enemy's, they will attack it.
Attacking works like this:
-The defending troops and attack troops will be multiplied by the benefits of their tile's mode (+50% attack if the attacking tile is on Scout, +100% defend if the defending tile is on Fortify).
-The defending troops will be subtracted from the attacking troops and vice versa.
-If the defendant has troops left after the battle, nothing happens and the remaining defenders return to their tile. If the attacker has troops left after battle, the remaining attackers will capture the tile. Captured tile cannot perform movement until the next turn (they can switch modes so the mode will be ready next turn).

Tile capture:

Yellow won the game:

After winning, the screen will slowly blink between the world and the winner's colour.
Pressing Escape will return to the Main Menu.[/spoiler]

'Special' features:
-Resizable window for those who like their games 100x800, slide to the top of the screen for fullscreen.
-Scrubby AI good enough to make you feel good about winning, but not bad enough to lose from AFK'ers.
Tech, Science & IT / Jupiter, 8th of March 2015
March 07, 2015, 11:13:15 PM
The skies were clear and Jupiter was peeking through my window as I decided to blow the dust off my telescope and snap some pictures through it.


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