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b/Game Downloads publicado por u/gameblabla February 03, 2017, 12:30:59 AM
Here's a new game i worked on for the Ludum Dare Retro : Evil Australians.

Evil Australians is a video game developed by me, gameblabla.
It's a platforming arena game made from scratch with the help of my own library, Gameblabla's Wrapper.
The game has several missions and in each mission, you are stuck in an arena where
you must defeat all the remaining enemies.
To defeat the enemies, you have a rapid-fire gun that can shoot several bullets at the same time.

3DO version

John, living in Australia, is an avid video game collector.
However, he learns from the news that the Australian government is soon going to ban video games.
John became furious :
he grabs his weapons and swears vengeance on the government.

However 7 years ago,
the government collected his own DNA as part of a secret project.
This secret project allowed the government to steal DNAs from all the aussies.
The Government learned of John's plan and they used his DNA to build an entire clone army of himself.

John is now facing an entire army of himself,
will he make it alive and finally kill the law ?

Controls (PC)
Use a Gamepad or the following keyboard keys :
X : Jump
C : Shoot
Cursor keys : Move


Old PCs on Windows 95/NT4
Modern PCs
Last Edit: October 24, 2018, 12:45:42 PM by gameblabla
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u/kotu February 03, 2017, 12:33:45 AM
At last a program about Evil Australians!!!  :D
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 03, 2017, 12:47:47 AM
That story is weird O.O (reminds me of Hong Kong 97). Anyway gonna give it a try later. Glad to see a new game from you, :) albeit with a questionable title :P
u/gameblabla February 03, 2017, 12:50:08 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 03, 2017, 12:47:47 AM
That story is weird O.O (reminds me of Hong Kong 97).
Play the game, get the ending and you'll get offended, probably :P
That being said, yes, the story was written in a similar way to HK97 but i swear that was not intentional at first lol

Quotealbeit with a questionable title :P
I know, right ?
KILL DAH AUSSIES ! (Please don't go out and kill them for real, lol)
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 03, 2017, 12:56:51 AM
Indeed about the latter. There was already enough singling out of specific nations in the world lately <_<

By the way do you mind if I put tags in your topic title so I can list it in the games download section?
u/gameblabla February 03, 2017, 12:58:24 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 03, 2017, 12:56:51 AM
By the way do you mind if I put tags in your topic title so I can list it in the games download section?
Go ahead !
I would be glad to hear your feedback !

I'm also planning a N64 port, like i did with Opossum Massage Simulator.
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 03, 2017, 01:01:56 AM
If you do a N64 port you should try to make it compatible with both emulators and the real console, because not everyone can afford the $200 Everdrive :P
u/gameblabla February 03, 2017, 01:04:04 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 03, 2017, 01:01:56 AM
If you do a N64 port you should try to make it compatible with both emulators and the real console, because not everyone can afford the $200 Everdrive :P
But doing so would mean violating Nintendo's old TOS and be stuck with a crappy devkit.
Emulators should fix their crappy job, not me :P
On the good side though, it (and Opossum) should work properly again on MAME latest version but i need to try it again.
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 03, 2017, 01:49:51 AM
Isn't there a way to do like with web browsers and run different code based on if the game runs on the real thing instead of an emulator? Or is that out of the question? In any case, I personally wouldn't want to develop on a game console if I can't even test the game to see if it works at all. <_<
u/gameblabla February 03, 2017, 02:25:21 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 03, 2017, 01:49:51 AM
Isn't there a way to do like with web browsers and run different code based on if the game runs on the real thing instead of an emulator? Or is that out of the question? In any case, I personally wouldn't want to develop on a game console if I can't even test the game to see if it works at all. <_<
That's basically what i did with Opossum Massage Simulator but a bit different : it uses a common codebase among all platforms.
Opossum Massage Simulator actually works on MAME, it's just that later versions broke input support so you can't interact with the game.
I was able to test it by setting checkpoints.
I might do a MAME package so everyone can try the N64 port
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 03, 2017, 03:18:47 AM
Ah I see now. And yeah what I meant was like CSS and Javascript, where your code checks which browser the user uses and if it uses IE6, it runs a different piece of code, another for Firefox, another for Opera, etc, when it's impossible to do otherwise without breaking cross-compatibility.
u/JamesV February 03, 2017, 04:50:12 AM
As a fair dinkum Aussie bloke, all I can say is CRIKEY!

This gives me much chuckles :) (Although yes please don't actually kill us, most of us are quite nice.. Most of us :) )
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 03, 2017, 04:52:59 AM
Lol JamesV. And yes I agree, especially you and @tr1p1ea :P (still a shame Belle Haven couldn't do the trip to Canada last time D: )
u/tr1p1ea February 03, 2017, 04:56:43 AM
*Laugh hysterically*

Bloody struth mate!

Nice work mate, I like the graphics especially., a classic. This would probably make the news over here :).
Last Edit: February 03, 2017, 04:58:49 AM by tr1p1ea
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 03, 2017, 04:58:38 AM
Maybe @gameblabla could update the title screen to say JamesV & tr1p1ea-approved :trollface:
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