
Development => Calculator Talk => Topic started by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 11, 2017, 07:30:41 PM

Title: Casio add-ins compatibility issues between the fx-CG10/20 and fx-CG50/Graph 90+E
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 11, 2017, 07:30:41 PM
In the near future, Casio will release the Casio fx-CG50, the fx-CG10/20 successor. In France, the calculator will be named the Graph 90+E.

To our surprise, those two new calculators still have backdoors that allow third-party ASM and C add-ins to run on the platform, a big contrast with the locked-down Casio ClassPad II (fx-CP400), soon to be replaced with the fx-CP500. However, just like with the differences between the Casio fx-9860g/II SH3 vs SH4, TI-83 vs TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus vs TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition and TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition vs TI-84 Plus CE, it appears that most PRIZM add-ins cannot run properly on the new model. Until now, only three of the original add-ins ran properly (see compatibility list) (, with the others being riddled with glitches or crashing outright. Parts of the problem is that there was no official SDK for the Casio PRIZM series, so the risk of add-ins using undocumented code or working directly with certain memory addresses was higher, and doing so resulted into said add-ins to be dependent on the hardware they were designed for, not for its successors.

However, thanks to Critor, two games that had smaller issues on the fx-CG50 have been ported and now work properly: Gravity Duck and Cubefield!

As you will notice, there's also a noticeable speed increase. Hopefully other add-ins still have their source code available and can be ported without too much hassle.

Source: and
Title: Re: Casio add-ins compatibility issues between the fx-CG10/20 and fx-CG50/Graph 90+E
Post by: critor on April 16, 2017, 02:51:20 PM
FlappyBird Color is now working too, thanks to Nemhardy once again. :)

Originally, you were only getting a completely white screen.

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Download :
Title: Re: Casio add-ins compatibility issues between the fx-CG10/20 and fx-CG50/Graph 90+E
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 16, 2017, 03:47:45 PM
Wow I totally forgot that game existed on the Prizm. Good job fixing compatibility issues :3=
Title: Re: Casio add-ins compatibility issues between the fx-CG10/20 and fx-CG50/Graph 90+E
Post by: p2 on May 15, 2017, 12:25:29 PM
wasnt the axe version of Cubesfield called CubeRunner...? how comes the name is different? :)
Title: Re: Casio add-ins compatibility issues between the fx-CG10/20 and fx-CG50/Graph 90+E
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 15, 2017, 04:33:26 PM
That happens sometimes with calc games.