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Messages - Dream of Omnimaga

I finally updated the first post with the new walruses. The ToxicWalrii gas mask one is by average nspire enjoyer:
Randomness / Re: Walrii storytelling!
September 10, 2023, 01:16:45 AM
Walrii came from the aftermath of a second mankind apocalypse where everything mutated into walruses after nuclear war broke out between the survivors of the first apocalypse.
(This needs a minimum of one walrus :P)

This looks very promising. I like the story so far. :)
I need to try this soon. Glad to see you again, I hope things are going well. :)
Games / Re: [ti-84+ce] First Fantasy II: Pokéwalrus
August 30, 2023, 02:27:24 AM
Magenta version is now out!

CHANGELOG since Turquoise version release:

Magenta Version (2023-08-29)
-Allow running away from overworld battles for when you already own the walruses. Note that this hurts your win ratio, however.
-A mini-map of the game's overworld is now available and shows which dungeon you have visited and cleared.
-Renamed the STUN attack move to QUASAR.
-STUN is now a new, different move more relevant to its name, along with SCAN, POISON and REMEDY.
-Three additional battle moves were added besides the aforementioned STUN move. Most involve status ailments such as poison or paralyzing.
-Many battle moves were replaced with new moves for various walruses and some walrus moves were re-ordered.
-Four walruses that were obtainable by talking to ghosts swapped location with each others.
-Raydenii is now an electric walrus rather than dark.
-Electric walruses are no longer almost immune against grass attacks, while grass walruses are now almost immune against them.
-Water walruses are now immune against water attacks
-Switches now disappear in any dungeon after being activated rather than just the last.
-Walrii doesn't flicker as much now while walking.
-Six new playable characters were added.
-The final dungeon floor color has been changed.
-An extra block is erased by the switch in the longer dungeons to reduce backtracking.
-There are now two extra sub-programs due to the addition of new characters and the map and the game is now around 600 KB large.

In the following screenshot I have the same character twice (which has been also renamed to something else) but that was for testing purposes and to showcase some of the new battle moves involving status ailments (although the screenshot seems slower than an actual CE including pre-M revisions)

It's currently in Cemetech and file pending queue but it can be downloaded from TI-Planet already: (Magenta version) (Magenta version) (Turquoise version)
Turquoise version is now released!

I already posted what some improvements will be above but here is the complete list:
-Fixed title screen year being 2999.
-Added credits screen.
-Fixed save file data getting offset in some situations
-You can now choose to keep save data archived in the title screen options at the cost of more defragmenting
-Walking around feels more responsive and there is no more delay before you start moving again after the initial keypress if you hold the key down.
-Fixed first dungeon being marked as incomplete in your save file if you beat the final boss.
-Fixed final dungeon entrance disappearing after beating the final boss, reloading your game then exiting the final dungeon (entirely related to the above bug).
-Fixed two overworld map design issues allowing you to walk on a solid tree in each of the two affected areas.
-Moved the selection numbers down when you select a party member to use the Cure magic on so that it has less chances of overlapping on walruses and being hard to read.
-Selection numbers no longer erase a bunch of lines of pixels when closed but rather only erase what's behind them.
-You can no longer attack out of combat enemies (when their health is zero)
-Changed Walriichu's class to Electric instead of Holy.
-Fixed bug causing fire enemies to be strong against ice.
-Fire and electric walruses are now weak against water.
-Fixed bug causing holy and water walruses to be nearly immune against life and cure spells respectively.
-Win rate added to Walriipedia
-The final game's messages (such as "The End") now shows up on a custom screen like the rest of the game instead of using basic homescreen text fonts.
Games / [ti-84+ce] First Fantasy II: Pokéwalrus
July 28, 2023, 05:55:18 PM
First Fantasy II: Pokéwalrus is one of the largest TI-84 Plus CE and TI-83 Premium CE calculator game available. It is a RPG inspired by the Pokémon, The Reign of Legends and Illusiat series and serves as an indirect sequel to Darkblasters for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus monochrome calculators and First Fantasy: Mana Force for the TI-84
Plus C Silver Edition, TI-83 Premium CE and TI-84 Plus CE (Python models included). Set over 1000 years past two apocalypses, you live in a world where almost everything is a walrus due to radioactive fallout causing widespread mutations over time. Walruses in this world battles as many species for fame and it is now your day. However, a threat also seems nearby and it is possible that the future of this world lies in your hands.

There are 15 dungeons, a large overworld map, 20 different attack moves, 2 healing spells, 300 playable characters spanning 10 elemental classes and open-world exploration. Brown version is the initial release and more will come in the near future hopefully.

Download links:

Requires Celtic CE library:
Randomness / @everyone
July 15, 2023, 11:11:06 PM
Gaming / Re: (split) CodeWalrus Minecraft Server
June 01, 2023, 06:21:04 AM
@Yuki should rent a $1000/mo VPS and restore a quackup of the old server there :P
Gaming / Re: (split) CodeWalrus Minecraft Server
June 01, 2023, 06:19:42 AM
@Yuki halp I caught two walruses again
Other / CodeWalrus merch (2 t-shirts for now)
April 19, 2023, 12:44:35 AM
CodeWalrus now has merch! (at least as long as this Chinese print company I use exists I guess, else it would result into a massive price increase)

There are only two merch item available for now, though: :walrii: t-shirts.
Music 2000 (MTVMG) / The Bit Merge music album release
February 28, 2023, 07:52:10 PM
Here is my 19th music album release, The Bit Merge, A blend of Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Playstation 1, NES, Commodore 64 and other music productions ranging from eurodance to hardcore music, with a few more rocky tracks here and there. Most tracks are remixes or covers of my previous tracks.

The album is currently available at
Games / The Legend of Zelda: Dark Link Quest (2004)
January 27, 2023, 11:59:15 PM
In 2004 I released Zelda: Dark Link Quest, using picture variables beyond the officially supported limit of Pic0 through Pic9. Unfortunately, Texas Instruments eventually changed how group files are sent to calculators around that time, preventing the game from being sent to the TI-83+ and TI-83+SE without TI-Graph Link software, meaning you needed a 32-Bit computer to send it. In 2007, I thought I released a fixed version for TI-Connect and other modern softwares, but alas it wasn't the case, as many important files were missing from the 2007 upload. Thanks to LogicalJoe from Cemetech, the game has now been saved from being lost to time and can now be sent to TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus series calculators using TI-Connect CE or other modern linking softwares!

Ancient Zelda game made with TI-BASIC using various ASM libraries, now updated for modern linking softwares and TI-84 Plus compatibility. Since the game has dated code and predates xLIB APP, Celtic III and Doors CS 7, it has hundreds of sub-programs and a 15 MHz calculator is recommended for speed reasons.

With the exception of games made with the Action-RPG Construction Set, Zelda DLQ is the only Zelda game project ever completed for TI-83+SE and TI-84+/SE calculators. It is semi-open-world, there are three dungeons, various items from the original games and various monsters.
Music 2000 (MTVMG) / Re: 32-Bit Rekt music album trilogy
December 03, 2022, 01:11:57 AM
The album is now on Spotify, Tidal, Deezer, Amazon and more!

Tho you can stream it for free of course at Bandcamp as well at

Semi-off-topic: I also updated my free music compilation from last year with the two free songs that came with 32-Bit Rekt Overcharged at Bandcamp.
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