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Topics - alexgt

Gaming / Fortnite on a HP Prime!
April 02, 2018, 01:34:02 AM
I put Fortnite on the HP-Prime!
So I have been tasked with making vision work well and very smoothly in the off-season. I will be using the Open CV library and coding in Java, has anyone had experience with using Open CV?
Hardware / FRC Robotics
March 09, 2016, 01:50:11 PM
So I am opening this fourm kinda late in the race but we can still use it year round.

I am a programmer from team 5712, this is how we did at the Standish competition in Standish MI here

So I am making this topic to share ideas and offer help.

We don't have our 2016 robot on there so here is a picture:

Web / FreeCodeCamp
February 09, 2016, 07:44:03 PM
My sister showed me this site, FreeCodeCamp and it looks really cool so I started on it.

I wanted to see if anyone else used it, if not you might want to start on it ;)
Randomness / Interactive Joke Thread
January 26, 2016, 02:35:52 AM
I know there is already a joke thread made by @Unicorn but it isn't for interactive joke (ex: a knock knock joke where other people guess who :P)

Here is the starter:
Why did the :walrii: cross the road?
Hardware / 3D Printing
December 17, 2015, 09:47:32 PM
Recently, I made a holster for my airsoft pistol, I have pictures but haven't had time to upload them to youtube.
Printer Specs

- SDramps module
- 8x8x9.5 inch print bed
- Heated print bed
- 0.4 mm extruder tip
- I use PLA mostly

- Does not do bridges well but I am quite sure it is the way I have it set up <_<
Airsoft pistol holster

Airsoft Pistol Holster Finished

Chain Mail

Gaming / Games that stay really fun
December 13, 2015, 11:49:27 PM
Ok, I know I sped up the game and everything but it is still fun somehow even after 10+ nonillion cookies :P
Gaming / Weird but fun games
December 10, 2015, 03:39:17 AM
I found this a little bit ago and it is actually pretty fun. My suggestion is to create a game rather than join one because if you try to join a room most people will quit.
Other / Zipffy Stuff all around us O.O
November 16, 2015, 12:41:41 AM
So watch this video:

Then look at this on the right with the graph of posts:;sort=posts;start=0;desc

Isn't that crazy ???
The Zipf mystery is all around us O.O...
Vsauce is really cool  (-_(//));
Other / Thanksgiving and Black Friday
November 10, 2015, 10:35:28 PM
This is a topic where you can share funny stories about Thanksgiving and black friday.

also with the disappearance of my Prime as of late I am going to look for some deals on calcs for black friday (yes I realize that there are not going to be many good deals on calcs if any at all (I am dubious also))

Thanks for the laughs   8)
Other / Crazy Crap that is loosely related to you
November 04, 2015, 03:40:23 AM
Yesterday this happened to a school I attended 2 years ago, the car smashed right into my home room O.O. It is very humbling to think "I could have been in there." (it happened early in the morning so no students were there though)

Also read the comments, very morbid people O.O
Other / Speed Cubing
September 20, 2015, 04:36:52 PM
I recently have gotten into speedcubing (or solving Rubic's cubes really fast) I was wondering if any of you guys were fellow speedcubers. If so what is your method you use and what is your best time?

I use the Fridrich method and my time is 42 seconds and am currently learning all 57 OLL algs
I have no idea how to do it but I want to keep windows 7 when windows 10 comes out but still have windows 10 on my PC, so I would choose between win7 and 10 when my PC boots. How would I do that?
Other / Natural disasters!
May 02, 2015, 06:58:49 PM
Today there was an earthquake in Michigan close to where I live and I wanted to share it

Did you have any encounters with the such in your life?
Other / when did you sign up?
May 01, 2015, 02:35:21 PM
How far back do you go with CW? I was the 25th to make an account but only recently started posting :)
NAGOJI 4x3 pronounced NA-GO-JE is a game for the HP Prime. You are a skillful ninja with super human powers to jump, dive, and smash through anything in your way! But there is one catch you must defeat the master of all pixels. He is taller and stronger than you, he throws obstacles at you and he is incredibly scary  >B) but you the  :ninja: shall only prevail if you got da skillz. The question is if you can make it past all ten levels and defeat the master of all pixels to free your self from his cruel rule.

This game also has the retro feel of the z80's lcd just to make it feel more awesome!

I am not responsible for any rage this game causes comparable to flappy bird, also in higher tier levels you make have seizures if so consult your doctor promptly and see if this is right for you

EDIT:Here is the GIF

Sorry about the quality I need to tweak my OBS
Hello this is a 2D Minecraft game for the HP Prime. It is now in version 4.0 and has moved on to Applications. version 1.0 was a program and was mostly me experimenting with HP-PPL, 2.0 included block breaking and placing but was scrapped after technical problems and replaced with 3.0, 3.0 was just a menu system I developed so I am not even sure it is worthy of a version in itself, 4.0 is just as far along a 3.0 except it is moving along much quicker.

So that is the history of MinePrime but practice makes perfect so May the Fourth be with you :P

More technical outline of how world data will be stored and loaded and also collision:

Collision / Block durability:
what I do here is I use a GROB that is the same size as the world dimensions. If the pixel at your coordinates is black then it is free to move through, if it is anything else and you will not be able to go through it. And its color value is the block durability.

Storing worlds and world data:
This is where I really need Apps. With AFilesB() you can return and store individual bytes directly into the App files. So I can use this as a super compact and small list that makes up the world, they will then be formed into a matrix that will be used to store data while the game is executing. Then when the user quits it turns the matrix into a list and stores it into the App. If this is a acceptable way to do it it would be nice to have some feedback, especially from @timwessman.

Drawing the world/ terrain:
For this I am going to use a method I used in the last versions quite allot. I will make a GROB which will be one block larger on all sides, this will allow for smooth scrolling and also decrease lag if you are not moving much.

Player Movement:
This will be where 4.0 really shines, it will have movement like Zampy's Quest (for those that don't remember, it let you move one pixel at a time) not that it is super cool but it is something the other versions lacked. But unlike Zampy's Quest it will have impeccable collision because it uses pixels. Why Pixels are so great at collision is because they will only position at the integral part of the number (ex: PIXON_P(1.9999,1.9999,#FFFFFF) and PIXON_P(1,1,#FFFFFF) both make the pixel at (1,1) white).

I hope this wan't so confusing but I explained it all the best I could :)

Block list: OUTDATED!!!


Times all block ID's after 1-10 by 10 (so block 2(dirt) would be 20 and block 3(grass) would be 30 this gives me room to add block durability ;))
1-9 - Break animations
60-Oak Leaves
70-Tall Grass
90-Refined Stone
100-Oak Planks
110-Mossy Cobblestone
180-Monster Spawner
200-Lapiz lazuli ore
210-Lapiz lazuli Block
220-Iron Block
230-Gold Block
240-Diamond Block
250-Emerald Block
290-White Wool
300-Black wool
310-Dark gray wool
320-red wool
330-Pink wool
340-Green wool
350-Lime green wool
360-Brown wool
370-yellow wool
380-blue wool
390-light blue wool
400-magenta wool
410-Purple wool
420-Cyan wool
430-orange wool
440-light gray wool
460-enchanting table
470-dragon egg
480-command block
490-jungle leaves
510-spruce leaves
520-foot of bed
530-head of bed
540-Iron bars
560-bottom door
570-top door
580-mossy stone brick
590-cracked stone brick
600-spruce log
610-birch log
630-jack o'lantern

Current list of blocks (Will be updated upon additons) OUTDATED!!!

NAME - ID - MODIFIER / DAMAGE (Blank if none, once mining is added all blocks will have a damage count)
AIR - 0
DIRT - 2

Thanks for the support and helpful comments :)
Hello everyone I did not see a topic about regular glitches with your calc and specific Applications so I decided to add one :).

Anyways my question is about zStart. I put zStart on my calc and it didn't work :(. Do you need a OS lower than 2.55MP because that is what I have? And also is the latest version 1.3.013?
Thanks for the help :).
Other / Hobbies/ where are your calcs?
March 25, 2015, 10:10:02 PM
This is just random but do any of you have different hobbies outside of calculator programming or stuff to do with computers?

I participate in riding my ripstik and archery

Also where do you keep your calculators?!
I ask because I keep my Ti-84 in my pocket from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed lol :P
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