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Messages - adekto

an alternative system to acheave a blend is true overlaped ditered sprites, or some sort of mask
here is a 3D example from pico8 (they do some neat stuff) but the thing i would like you take notice of is that they use a 16 color pallet and use 2 textures and use ditering to achive the lighting
its not perfect but in theory it can work
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on November 15, 2015, 03:51:39 AM
I see now. Will Claw support be preserved?
for the moment yes claw will be preserved with a bit adjustments since the memory format change

this has been a though one to sudenly drop a feature but it seems to be an improvment overal
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on November 15, 2015, 06:30:43 AM
I see. I guess for fade-in effects I'll just create extra copies of my sprites then make them go darker by switching colors to the nearest available darker color in the palette. :P
wel there are other ways to do that replacing the variable color pallet part could do a fade to a set color (no blending, but sorta what you want)
also if you use a custom pallet and use say only grey's, you could in theory do a adetive color blend but its a bit complicated
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on November 13, 2015, 08:34:46 AM
I am curious about how the cheaper case would look like. Would it be possible to do a quick 3D render?

cheaper? wel could just ditch the front plate and just have a sinlge back plate with some nylon spacers, its not prety but it would get the job done

im trying to look for alternatives but i cant find anything that is only cheap at highvolume or is just expensive

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on November 10, 2015, 06:44:05 AM
I like the new screws placement, but I am a bit worried that they would be placed in rather weak spots that would make it easier to bend each side of the faceplate. Could the bottom screws be moved a bit more on each side?

if i move them out more then i need more space mainly for the wifi module, that thing is prety big

Quote from: DarkestEx on November 08, 2015, 11:11:22 PM
Quote from: adekto on November 08, 2015, 10:15:17 PM
with acrilic there is no screw post option its ether screws or glue
No. Using metal or nylon screw posts and epoxy them to the backside of the front plate.
epoxy a screw bold will look horrible from the front, and it still not strong enugh the surfice area for glue and epoxy has to be much larger then a screw bold to achive the same strenght
if you do not like the screws on the top l look into screw covers that are comen in furniture to hide screws
with acrilic there is no screw post option its ether screws or glue
ok curently focusing on the front plate, moving screw points out of finger area, beveling the outer edge, reposistioned the butons to acount for internal parts

curent design asumes that the screws will stick out on bothe sides, this could be solved with a a cone shaped screw hole but you will still see ther screws, my idea was to have a double nut in the center of the device alowing easy acces to the inside, alternative was to glue and snap all the parts togeter that would have made it almoust imposible to take it apart. we dont have acces to injection molding so this is the best i could think off.
(i do relise that the top side is not structerialy sound due to all the holes but the screws sude releave a bit of that

still wip but by all means criticize this design. it realy helps
stil WIP, but tell me wat people thing of sandwiched acrilic

curently went witht he idea of low profile (no buton caps) but im not to impressed with it
also the edges are to sharp i feel so need to fix that

by all means tell me what u think or what u would like to see changed, im open to sugestions

im personaly not of fan of reflashing the chip constantly apart from its slow and can break the device in some cases.

i dont know to much about the how the running off ram works, but in theory we got enugh ram to run bytecode (c or other compiled code) on there, i mean the gamebuino has to do this in only 32kb of flash +2kb ram
im not sure abotu dual booting, if you want both c an lua and basic fermware on it its going to have to be its own special single version that can do all of these
i  think we need to focus on one version of the fermwere for now, branching out now woul lead to incompatibilaty and instabilaty
yes we will if we are over 100 ish we can have a bit of extra caps, will also look into difrent case colors aswel
Quote from: p4nix on October 31, 2015, 02:31:45 PM
How fast is displaying the same char on the whole screen without anything like emulators and stuff slowing down?

we have some prototype code on a buffer that ran realy smooth, i dint have any way to calculated it  perfectly but i say it was around 12 fps at least over spi on lesser hardware
i think we lean on the 3Ds size, maybe slightly bigger.

so about calculator switchs are custom injected of silicone  with a conductive pad and usualy coverd by a plastic cap (else you get that zx spectrum rubbery button) anyway thats what most high volume products use like game controlers.

we dont have a budget to make these custom parts, and i dont trust the china stuff (like the arduboy is using)
and since tactile switches are proven to work realy well. dont see why we need to invest in somthing that could posible rot or watever fault could happen, we might still change if we can find somthing off the shelf from a reliable source
you guys like to have basic?
wel there some wierd things in that video like the amount of ram is wierd
i still dont know why we are using 6502 version of basic
whats the standard? the bulk pricing is resonable anything above 2000 caps (asuming all the same button size and color, sorry i cant get multicolor at the moment)
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