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Messages - Agothro

Other / Re: New member introductions: Say hello here!
January 04, 2015, 04:16:43 AM
Agothro here.

Got a TI-83+ (yep, not an 84+, an 83+) back 3 years ago for school. I learned you could play games on it, so first I typed in a BASIC program of hundreds of lines to get it working with pong. That was the beginning.

For a while I did this until my little brother took the batteries out of my 83+, meaning my hard-earned slightly modded game was gone for good. While I never had a fancy USB plugin kit, I soon started a new quest: borrowing a friend's 84+. I did this and discovered the USB support and the great amount of space, as well as fancier spect. Never have bought one, despite the fact that they're only like $5 more than an 83+.

I found MirageOS and later DoorsCS, and started using them (archive everything folks). I found Pokemon Topaz, as well as ZTetris (killed at that game in math class, my scores were in the tens of thousands)

As for my own games, I've fiddled around with doing so before but have never had success beyond a simple program where you bounce a ball against a wall. One day I want to figure out how to use Axe. I figure that assembly is beyond arcane for somebody such as I (programming experience in C(++) and, before that, Pascal) so I'm not trying (yet).
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