Well I've forgotten to post updates here and the language has completely changed so yay. Most recent update post.
I'm thinking of picking up this project again. I finally wrote documentation for Ask. I'm trying to keep the documentation understandable for someone with only a marginal programming ability (i.e. may have touched a C-based programming language or similar in the past or just started.)
I'm looking for feedback on this documentation (suggestions via post, ping, or PR are welcome!)
I'm also looking for clean (as clean as you can get with this language >.>) demo programs.
You can easily relocate your input (In lieu of input commands, I'm using the "modify this program with input values" technique) to the top of the program using Skip commands. I created a trivial multiplication program here. It's a model Village program, about as clean as it gets. I'm playing with the idea of named labels at some point, so that users viewing without line numbers don't have to count. You can just load it into the interpreter though.
I'm thinking of picking up this project again. I finally wrote documentation for Ask. I'm trying to keep the documentation understandable for someone with only a marginal programming ability (i.e. may have touched a C-based programming language or similar in the past or just started.)
I'm looking for feedback on this documentation (suggestions via post, ping, or PR are welcome!)
I'm also looking for clean (as clean as you can get with this language >.>) demo programs.
You can easily relocate your input (In lieu of input commands, I'm using the "modify this program with input values" technique) to the top of the program using Skip commands. I created a trivial multiplication program here. It's a model Village program, about as clean as it gets. I'm playing with the idea of named labels at some point, so that users viewing without line numbers don't have to count. You can just load it into the interpreter though.
Code Select
Skip to line 22.
Note: ==========
Note: Trivial multiplication program
Note: Results: A*B -> output
Note: Author: _iPhoenix_
Note: ==========
Note: Inputs:
Note: =======
Tell Ada to mine 16 stone.
Tell Alan to mine 16 stone.
Note: =======
Tell Ken to write the text "waiting..." on his scroll.
Skip to line 40.
Note: Init:
Note: =====
Call for the villager named Ada.
Teach Ada how to mine stone.
Call for the villager named Alan.
Teach Alan how to mine stone.
Call for the villager named Ken.
Teach Ken how to mine stone.
Call for the villager named John.
Teach John how to mine stone.
Skip to line 9.
Note: Main program:
Note: =============
Tell Ken to mine 1 stone.
Tell Ada to double her stone.
Tell Alan to write the text "waiting..." on his scroll.
Tell Alan to write the text "waiting..." on his scroll.
Tell Alan to clear his scroll.
Tell Ada to give John half of her stone.
Ask Ken if he has less stone than Alan.
- If he does:
+ Skip to line 40.
Note: Output:
Note: =======
Tell John to write the amount of stone he has on his scroll.
Tell John to post his scroll to the Community Message Board.