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Messages - Dapianokid

Other / Re: What kind of project are you working on?
April 12, 2020, 12:45:32 AM
I have taken the quarantine as an oppoetuntiy to learn z80 and ez80 assembly. The ultimate goal is to write a port of calcsys for the TI84+CE but thats a ways down the road. For now, just taking it one step at a time. Might write some simple intermediary programs along the way just to get my feet wet.

Othee than that, I'm working on learning to write music I would be proud to play live. I'm also writing a backing track to a Line Rider video, and transcribing the vocals from You and I by Stevie Wonder foe Alto Sax. Nothing crazy. :)
Oh I can do something like that in GIMP, for sure!
And no, I lurk and will post from time to time. I just moved, but getting settled involves pulling out my calc collection ;)
How should I go about making my own WalRii?
55: You can't stop returning. Ya just keep comin' back...
I am a sophomore in college, and my prior experience with calculator programming is really paying off in my classes. I don't do much programming at the moment, but as a piano performance major, music has become my primary focus. :)

I found this place via DJ's youtube. I've been feeling nostalgic, so I guess I have 4 years of stuff to catch up on or so.

Yeah, I did kinda disappear way back when, didn't I? I don't even remember what caused that, and my attempts to return weren't successful because I always managed to become sidetracked focusing on the music.
Phew, I'm reeling in from memories of a far less mature Dapianokid being scolded for his hubris...
* Dapianokid shudders
Holy hannah, it's been a while.

The Facebook link in the email that I got sent for being activated leads to the Twitter of, I thought I'd mention. Seems you only like twitter, DJ. ;p

Hey guys! :D
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