I have taken the quarantine as an oppoetuntiy to learn z80 and ez80 assembly. The ultimate goal is to write a port of calcsys for the TI84+CE but thats a ways down the road. For now, just taking it one step at a time. Might write some simple intermediary programs along the way just to get my feet wet.
Othee than that, I'm working on learning to write music I would be proud to play live. I'm also writing a backing track to a Line Rider video, and transcribing the vocals from You and I by Stevie Wonder foe Alto Sax. Nothing crazy.
Othee than that, I'm working on learning to write music I would be proud to play live. I'm also writing a backing track to a Line Rider video, and transcribing the vocals from You and I by Stevie Wonder foe Alto Sax. Nothing crazy.