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b/Media Talk Started by Dream of Omnimaga, October 21, 2015, 05:11:45 AM

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u/DarkestEx October 22, 2015, 07:21:07 AM
Quote from: calcplays on October 22, 2015, 12:21:59 AM
I have seen all three multiple times, and the first is the best entry in the series. I think it is worth watching the entire trilogy, though.
Did you know that the original plan for Part II was for Biff to go back to the 1960s, when he actually would have been old enough to gamble?
It's no trilogy. I think there are like 5 parts out there.
u/Dream of Omnimaga October 22, 2015, 04:27:39 PM
The movies are a trilogy, but there was a cartoon series afterwards and a video game, where they travel to different time periods and most explores the alternate 1985 style and how history should not be changed.
u/DarkestEx October 22, 2015, 05:21:41 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on October 22, 2015, 04:27:39 PM
The movies are a trilogy, but there was a cartoon series afterwards and a video game, where they travel to different time periods and most explores the alternate 1985 style and how history should not be changed.
No I don't mean the cartoon series. I think I saw that there were more parts out. But maybe it was another movie.
u/p4nix October 22, 2015, 05:24:46 PM
[spoiler="SPOILER ALERT"]In 2045, 30 years from now, part 4 and 5 will be released.[/spoiler]
u/Dream of Omnimaga October 22, 2015, 10:19:32 PM
Yeah there are only 3 movies. They have no plan for sequels, especially that the author seems to think that most remakes and sequels don't live up to original movies, plus Michael J Fox would need to be replaced due to parkingson disease.
u/ben_g November 01, 2015, 10:24:53 PM
The future is different from what the movie creators imagined. I just came across this youtube video that shows what the movie would have been like if it was accurate.
Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 10:26:53 PM by Ivoah
u/Yuki November 02, 2015, 12:28:08 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on October 22, 2015, 10:19:32 PM
Yeah there are only 3 movies. They have no plan for sequels, especially that the author seems to think that most remakes and sequels don't live up to original movies, plus Michael J Fox would need to be replaced due to parkingson disease.
The third movie kinda concluded the trilogy, so making more movies would probably be considered milking it. Then the horse would die and Hollywood would beat it ad nauseam.

Although Telltale Games made a point and click game in 5 episodes, I have yet to try it but it looks quite interesting.
u/DarkestEx November 02, 2015, 01:24:18 AM
Quote from: ben_g on November 01, 2015, 10:24:53 PM
The future is different from what the movie creators imagined. I just came across this youtube video that shows what the movie would have been like if it was accurate.

Thanks for posting that. Insta-subscribe :)
u/calcplays November 02, 2015, 01:39:10 AM
How It Should Have Ended also posted a video to commemorate Back to the Future Day, although not in their usual fashion. Instead of showing how the second film should have ended, they depicted how it should have started.

Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 09:20:41 AM by Streetwalrus
u/DarkestEx November 02, 2015, 02:24:25 AM
Quote from: calcplays on November 02, 2015, 01:39:10 AM
How It Should Have Ended also posted a video to commemorate Back to the Future Day, although not in their usual fashion. Instead of showing how the second film should have ended, they depicted how it should have started.

Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 09:21:20 AM by Streetwalrus
u/calcplays November 02, 2015, 03:07:54 AM
I had to load some unsafe scripts to see the How It Should Have Ended videos, but the CollegeHumor one just showed up normally. What did I do wrong? (Am I even allowed to bring that up on a thread like this?)
u/DarkestEx November 02, 2015, 07:31:00 AM
Quote from: calcplays on November 02, 2015, 03:07:54 AM
I had to load some unsafe scripts to see the How It Should Have Ended videos, but the CollegeHumor one just showed up normally. What did I do wrong? (Am I even allowed to bring that up on a thread like this?)
What do you mean?
u/novenary November 02, 2015, 09:22:06 AM
Quote from: calcplays on November 02, 2015, 03:07:54 AM
I had to load some unsafe scripts to see the How It Should Have Ended videos, but the CollegeHumor one just showed up normally. What did I do wrong? (Am I even allowed to bring that up on a thread like this?)
I fixed your posts, the youtube mods we have are utter crap, if the link isn't properly formatted it won't work.
u/calcplays November 02, 2015, 10:38:17 PM
Quote from: Streetwalrus on November 02, 2015, 09:22:06 AM
Quote from: calcplays on November 02, 2015, 03:07:54 AM
I had to load some unsafe scripts to see the How It Should Have Ended videos, but the CollegeHumor one just showed up normally. What did I do wrong? (Am I even allowed to bring that up on a thread like this?)
I fixed your posts, the youtube mods we have are utter crap, if the link isn't properly formatted it won't work.

Thank you. Was it that I used the shortened (".be") link instead of the full (".com") one?
u/Dream of Omnimaga November 02, 2015, 10:44:51 PM
Just post the standard Youtube link normally and it should work. We also have a Youtube tag but it's deprecated and only was added to make it easier to cross-post between forums.

Also awesome videos guys :)
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