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Making forum skin mobile-friendly

b/Website Talk Started by Dream of Omnimaga, January 14, 2015, 07:09:14 AM

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u/Dream of Omnimaga August 28, 2015, 09:28:12 PM
Aah ok. Good thing you don't have an iDevice because the iPod Touch 4 had a very innacurate touchscreen that required zooming in to maximum in order to click the right link >.<
u/novenary August 28, 2015, 11:03:21 PM
That's pretty much what happens, but usually my touchscreen is very accurate.
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 29, 2015, 03:09:31 AM
yeah I never had issues with any Android phone touchscreens.
u/c4ooo September 01, 2015, 02:22:13 AM
u/Dream of Omnimaga September 01, 2015, 02:27:12 AM
That's pretty normal actually. The site theme was adapted to hide less necessary stuff (eg post counts) and move other essential stuff elsewhere to ensure that post content takes the entire page width.

If you have any CSS edit you could suggest that is neither Tapatalk, a single-site app nor a third-party theme then feel free to suggest them. Of course we can't please everyone, though.

Could you post a screenshot of how WalrusIRC looks like? By the way, you can also access the chat from IRC at EFnet, just like Omnimaga and Cemetech
u/c4ooo September 01, 2015, 02:38:20 AM
Here is wirc:,C7m8LKN
While the page is loading the type box is there, but when the page finishes loading the type box disappears. There is no scroll bar, and the messages are behind time. Also, yes I do know about Efnet and stuff, I was on #codewalrus the day I joined, remember?  :blah: :D
u/Dream of Omnimaga September 01, 2015, 02:42:19 AM
So basically the box does show up. Now to investigate about why it disappears outside of the view. Something probably makes it move up, down or on the sides (most likely down).

And yeah I was suggesting since you never went on IRC again after the day you joined. :P
u/novenary September 28, 2015, 11:05:51 AM
I just made a couple minor visual improvements on the mobile skin. Added vertical padding on buttons so that the rows aren't right against each other, and made the font on page numbers bigger so that they're easier to click with fingers.
u/Dream of Omnimaga October 02, 2015, 03:11:45 AM
Now I see why some stuff seemed to have changed lol. I didn't see this topic until now.

Do you think something can be done about misaligned lists of stuff and stuff that is off-screen? For example, in your inbox the text above the PM list is not aligned and there are missing options. Would adding scrollbars to those cause Google to see the site as not mobile-friendly?
u/novenary October 12, 2015, 03:14:30 PM
Not sure about that. I don't really see a point in adding scrollbars, in my experience they tend to be extremely painful to use in mobile browsers.
u/CKH4 October 12, 2015, 10:04:28 PM
If the issue is on desktop then you can use a media query to omit the mobile site.
u/Snektron October 13, 2015, 06:50:38 AM
Would it be possible for the recent posts menu to show up if you swiped right on the main page?
u/novenary October 13, 2015, 06:55:01 AM
Nah there are glitches in the mobile version because I didn't take the time to do some things properly and I didn't check every page either. There's also the problem of some tables being too wide, while I can hide some columns, some still won't fit in the page. DJ suggested adding a horizontal scrollbar to these instead of letting the whole page overflow but as I said these never work on mobile browsers.

Cumred: that would require some JS I think.
u/CKH4 October 13, 2015, 02:11:07 PM
If you add tables inside of a div set to width: 100%; overflow: auto; that should solve your problems.
u/Dream of Omnimaga October 14, 2015, 03:14:30 AM
Quote from: Streetwalrus on October 12, 2015, 03:14:30 PM
Not sure about that. I don't really see a point in adding scrollbars, in my experience they tend to be extremely painful to use in mobile browsers.
True, although ideally it would be more professional if our content didn't go outside the screen. It's actually slowly getting worse when our page views per day and user counts increase, because now if you check board stats, we barely can even see one digit in page views.

@CKH4 ideally, we need a solution that only involves adding CSS, not tables, unless you suggest adding CSS to the current tables. It wouldn't hurt to try your trick, though, although it would be better if you explained further what you mean. Thanks for the suggestion :)
Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 04:47:49 AM by DJ Omnimaga
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