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Gateway to Legend [pc]

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b/PC, Mac & Vintage Computers publicado por u/123outerme October 15, 2017, 08:11:30 PM
Gateway to Legend is an open-source Puzzle-RPG. The main focus of the game will obviously be solving puzzles to get experience, as any Puzzle-RPG would have it, but the mechanics that make this game unique is that most puzzle mechanics will be based off doors or gates! Switches and door pairs allow you to gain access to rooms, teleporters provide gates between two places on the map, and more! It also supports the development and easy integration of user-generated content, as well; you can make puzzle map-packs for this project! I've done quite a bit of work on this engine so far, and I'd like to show it off. Here's what I have so far:

In this video, I show off the work I've done with enemies and pathfinding, music, and sound effects! Bosses, the toolchain, and abilities are also shown off!

There are 3 enemy types: Fast but low damage and HP moving straight to you, slow but higher damage and HP, taking a slower, more methodical path, and a third, which totally ignores collision.

There's also a map-pack wizard that helps user-generated content, as far as the programs go. I have my Github repository over here, and I would very much appreciate any suggestions from the community!

Other Stuff:
* Join my Discord! I post more frequent updates there.
* Take a look at my website I wrote!
* See my GameJolt Page!
Last Edit: August 16, 2018, 07:56:34 PM by 123outerme
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u/gameblabla October 15, 2017, 08:59:09 PM
I see that you are reusing a lot of your previous code from Sorcery PC.
In fact, it looks like you are instead attempting to revamp your old code rather than start from scratch.

Btw, you forgot to put the fonts from previous game in Gateway.

u/123outerme October 15, 2017, 10:19:21 PM
Quote from: gameblabla on October 15, 2017, 08:59:09 PM
I see that you are reusing a lot of your previous code from Sorcery PC.
In fact, it looks like you are instead attempting to revamp your old code rather than start from scratch.

Btw, you forgot to put the fonts from previous game in Gateway.
Yeah I'm trying to reuse what worked and rework what didn't. No need to reinvent the square wheel on this one. I did forget to include the font in here, let me change that now.
u/123outerme October 19, 2017, 01:25:43 AM

Here's my new progress! You can see that all the "event" tiles, or puzzle mechanics, are displayed onscreen. I also implemented button and door behaviors, with framework to do the same thing for each tile. I also did a lot of work on the map toolchain, making it so that each program can be compiled with the same header file(s), meaning no extra bloat in the build directory, among other changes like always displaying event tiles there too.
u/Dream of Omnimaga October 20, 2017, 04:26:22 AM
I like the idea so far and I definitively notice the inspiration from SoU. The graphics look cool together by the way.
u/123outerme October 20, 2017, 08:52:13 PM
Quote from: xlibman on October 20, 2017, 04:26:22 AM
I like the idea so far and I definitively notice the inspiration from SoU. The graphics look cool together by the way.
Thanks! I actually took my tiles from quite a few cancelled projects including 2Arms, my failed RTS/Turn-based Strategy and a cancelled platformer called Fisiks, both being started before SoU. The player sprite is the only one I may not keep for my main map pack. I think he'll fit in with the story just fine, but I'm not quite sure.
u/123outerme October 21, 2017, 10:57:38 PM

I have some new progress to display! This screenshot, I made some decently big progress on the engine! I added the ability to write scripts for your maps. Scripts are versatile lines of data that define behavior of a certain map. In this case, I showed a script that warps the player to any other map, in any other coordinates. This is a "use portal" script, which, when stepping on a warp gate tile with defined behavior, shows a fading animation like I displayed, then puts the player in a new map. The warp gate script will be used to very good effect in the main map-pack, and map-makers will obviously be allowed to use this script to its fullest as well! You may ask how the warp gate is a mechanic worth showing, and I concede, it's not exactly a mechanic. However, the freedom that the warp gate script, and scripts in general, provide is enough to get me excited. When I start developing the main map-pack for real, you will be convinced on how to effectively use such a device.

Other script behavior has already been defined, such as a dialogue script, which displays the specified line of text upon triggering the event. I haven't written it yet, but there will be some sort of script editor. Whether that's included in the map editor, its own seperate tool, or whatever, it will exist.
u/Dream of Omnimaga October 23, 2017, 01:12:09 AM
I like so far. My suggestion would be to add a character animation when he walks around ^^
u/123outerme October 23, 2017, 08:52:39 PM
Quote from: xlibman on October 23, 2017, 01:12:09 AM
I like so far. My suggestion would be to add a character animation when he walks around ^^
That's a good suggestion! My only concern with that is that map-makers will have to define at least one more sprite in their map-pack file (which is an automated process, thanks to the map-pack wizard, but still, not optimal). If I did that, I'd probably have only two or three frames of animation total, just to keep things simple.
u/123outerme December 01, 2017, 10:40:18 PM

Here's a look at a little bit of work I did on this today! I added an HP display, removed FPS counter (you can bring it back by pressing a certain key, although I haven't decided which key yet), and added the functionality to spikes! Spikes reduce 1/4 of a heart in damage per contact, and you are also thrown back in the direction you moved. This is done by increasing your velocity so that you are automatically moved. This velocity system I put in place will also be used for enemies and maybe some more puzzle mechanics.
u/Dream of Omnimaga December 02, 2017, 07:16:24 AM
This looks cool. I lol'ed at the Stop Dying text tho XD

I'm glad this is still being worked on
u/123outerme December 02, 2017, 06:15:36 PM
Quote from: xlibman on December 02, 2017, 07:16:24 AM
This looks cool. I lol'ed at the Stop Dying text tho XD

I'm glad this is still being worked on
Thanks! I'm glad I'm still making progress too, however slow. I made that map pack entry when testing my map-pack header wizard, and I liked the name, so I think that's one I'm going to make. I have at least one more idea that I'm keeping secret for now, but I think both will turn out great. Of course, I need to make the main campaign first.
u/123outerme January 13, 2018, 12:42:28 AM

Here's my new update! I finally bit the bullet and implemented enemies in their entirety, after months of practically radio silence on the matter. Yes, if you're wondering, POTY 2017 did motivate me to get working again, among other things. Enemies can collide with you, knocking you back and dealing damage, collide with the sword, dying (although in the future I will have some enemies have more HP, taking damage and getting knocked back as well), and not shown here and not implemented quite yet, collide with the environment. Every enemy will have some sort of special attributes.

For right now, the implementation of the special attributes is: the bird does not collide with the environment and does minimal damage, while flying straight at the player. The stone ent attacks like a rook; it tries to line itself up with the player's left-right, then attacks, does good damage, and moves rather slowly. The slime enemy has yet to be implemented fully.

I think I may change this around, especially as map-packs will be using different tiles for the enemies. I would like to make each enemy's behavior individual, yet generic enough so that a multitude of enemy appearances can fit the same type.
u/Dream of Omnimaga January 13, 2018, 12:49:33 AM
I liked when you got hit by an enemy and bounced off very fast. You should also add special moves where you dash into a certain direction ^^
u/123outerme January 13, 2018, 12:51:24 AM
Quote from: xlibman on January 13, 2018, 12:49:33 AM
I liked when you got hit by an enemy and bounced off very fast. You should also add special moves where you dash into a certain direction ^^
That's a really good idea! I was trying to think of some sort of rewards for the progression system that I could add, and special moves sounds like a really good idea! I'll definitely write that down.
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