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Jarvis Artificial Intelligence

b/Calculator Development Started by alexgt, March 17, 2015, 09:45:11 PM

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u/Dream of Omnimaga March 26, 2015, 03:45:53 PM
Quote from: Cumred_Snektron on March 25, 2015, 09:56:10 PM
That's the single r modifier, but i don't know you to do it in CW, so i just type it how you would use it in Token :)
You can use the DispGraph[sup]r[/sup] syntax, which gives DispGraphr.

And yeah from experience it's best to draw the cursor, then when you move it around you redraw what's behind. Does PtMask just keep the background in memory regardless of where you move the cursor? In xLIBC for tilemaps there is a command to redraw what's behind a character sprite.
u/Snektron March 26, 2015, 04:49:51 PM
Oh thanks DJ! I didn't know that existed :)
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 26, 2015, 04:51:32 PM
No problem. In any case, in the site navigation, if you select Help from the Forum dropdown, there are links to SMF wiki there, which explains all BBCode. Of course some might be disabled on per-site basis, though, and some shall not be abused (eg the MOVE and glow tags)
u/alexgt March 26, 2015, 07:42:10 PM
Yeah thanks Curmed and DJ! What other apps should I have in the GUI besides the calc? Thanks :)
u/Snektron March 26, 2015, 08:21:52 PM
What do you mean by "the calc"? i only saw a gui without any apps, just the screen ._.
And maybe some games? maybe an editor? A file storage system (like displaying all files
and vars with something like "
") with options to create vars / prgms?
u/alexgt March 26, 2015, 08:41:17 PM
oh I added a calculator icon when you click the Apps button it is not functional so i did not post it :P.

Also hanks for the suggestion about the file manager (I know what I am doing with the magnifying glass now). But how would you find the files on the real calc? And if so how would you store those names into a string so you can execute the prgm with your Axiom? Also how could I make a new prgm (I am still having problems with the shell part :( )

Games could come preloaded (I was planning on this already) but that may be hat the file system is for because you could execute prgms in there I hope.

And an editor of what type, prgm editor or text... maybe both.

Sorry if I don't understand things because I just graduated from basic to Axe a month ago so I am still on kind of skaky legs :). Thanks for the help and support :)

u/Snektron March 26, 2015, 08:53:25 PM
Quote from: alexgt on March 26, 2015, 08:41:17 PM
Sorry if I don't understand things because I just graduated from basic to Axe a month ago so I am still on kind of skaky legs :).
No problem :) i always like to help :P

and a prgm editor might be a bit hard, i mean you have to implement your own catalog and such :/
but a notepad is certainly handy!

for the file manager there is an axiom called memkit (though i made a better version in Axe <_<) which can get all names in the VAT (table in the os that keeps track of all files/variables) for you, and you can also find the type from there. For creation of files you have to use some getCalc magic
u/alexgt March 26, 2015, 09:06:59 PM
Do you know where certain magic may be at? Thanks for the help :)
u/Snektron March 26, 2015, 09:15:18 PM
You can use something like i posted on the axe help thread:

.assuming the code is on L1 and is terminated with a 0, but you can easily change it
name -> Str1   . some random pointer with the name
DelVar Str1   
GetCalc(Str1, length(L1))->P
Copy(L1, P, length(P))
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 27, 2015, 04:31:16 AM
Quote from: alexgt on March 26, 2015, 08:41:17 PM
oh I added a calculator icon when you click the Apps button it is not functional so i did not post it :P.

Also hanks for the suggestion about the file manager (I know what I am doing with the magnifying glass now). But how would you find the files on the real calc? And if so how would you store those names into a string so you can execute the prgm with your Axiom? Also how could I make a new prgm (I am still having problems with the shell part :( )

Games could come preloaded (I was planning on this already) but that may be hat the file system is for because you could execute prgms in there I hope.

And an editor of what type, prgm editor or text... maybe both.

Sorry if I don't understand things because I just graduated from basic to Axe a month ago so I am still on kind of skaky legs :). Thanks for the help and support :)

Wait, so now this is both a shell and an AI bot? I'm a bit confused  ???
u/alexgt March 29, 2015, 10:10:52 PM
Yes and no there are two "modes" that I have implemented. The first is the original one that I started the post with (AI - bot) and then there is a work in progress GUI mode that will hopefully copy Doors (not directly copying DCS7 but kind of the same premise) and also (hopefully) have the capability of being a shell! That is in the future though right now I am working on the basic functionality of an AI bot and some Apps in the GUI mode.

Right now I am going to treat the GUI mode and the AI mode as two different projects and then combine them when I am finished. I will mostly be focusing on the AI mode now because I that will hopefully get me more used to certain commands that I will use in the GUI mode. :)

Also there will be less activity from me on this project :( (not that I am loosing interest but I just ordered my Hp Prime ! :) !) so I will spend most of my time learning HP PPL but I still plan on working on it.

One hing I am having trouble with though Is making Jarvis learn :(. The way he responds is when I press a key it records that key code in a buffer then when I press enter it adds those codes up into a buffer until it hits a space then it goes into the next spot and so on, after that    I use a for loop checking for values in the buffer that match with 130 which is "hello" and all the other responses. My only option is when I  finish a word I take that and compare it to the next word and it's meaning and then store those values into an appvar but the appvar would get very big very fast and I would have to have it in RAM because I will have to write to it :(. I could probably put the values into free ram but I will still have to open up alot of ram when I unarchive the appvar.

Thank's for the help and support :).

Also sorry for not being so active but I had friends over on friday, and I wnt to church on saturday, and today I had to clean <_<
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 30, 2015, 03:39:54 AM
Aah I see. IMHO I would focus on the AI bot part of this project and worry about a shell later. The thing is that if you ever make a shell, then you will be competing head-on against established shells such as Doors CS 7, MirageOS and ZStart, which you will never stand a chance against (especially that DCS7 had 10 years of work devoted in it). In other words, if you ever make a shell, its most significant purpose would be for personal use or just to practice your coding skills.

Also good luck on the bot AI. You could maybe make a topic about AI if you need help making a learning bot. People could help with general algorithm I guess. And no worries about activity. Life sometimes get in the way :)
u/alexgt April 01, 2015, 12:05:16 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on March 30, 2015, 03:39:54 AM
I would focus on the AI bot part of this project and worry about a shell later. The thing is that if you ever make a shell, then you will be competing head-on against established shells such as Doors CS 7, MirageOS and ZStart, which you will never stand a chance against (especially that DCS7 had 10 years of work devoted in it). In other words, if you ever make a shell, its most significant purpose would be for personal use or just to practice your coding skills.
That is about what I plan to do because the main purpose is to have a chat bot and then maybe add features that are helpful or fun thanks :)
u/CKH4 April 01, 2015, 01:13:27 AM
I would actually disagree with you DJ, I used clrdraw's alpha cs as my main shell last year. While I do think that it would be better to first focus on the ai bot, I still think that the shell would be popular if it provided a cool feature not included in other shells.
u/Dream of Omnimaga April 01, 2015, 07:54:58 AM
Oh I meant for the mainstream audience. Generally people go for the most known shells or the ones with features that stand out. Basically alexgt would need to make his shell stand out from others in order to get a significant audience. That said, I had totally forgotten that ClrDraw made a shell. I need to give it a try at some point.
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