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Topics - Derf321

I made this around 3 years ago but never finished it because I graduated high school. It's for Axe on Ti83 or Ti84, It's mostly finished, just with a few little tweaks needing to be done. I attached a GIF of it in action, it's a top down view Nazi Zombies with 4 different guns (Pistol, Shotgun, Sniper, WunderWaffe). You can buy ammo from the mystery box (random) and it'll store the highscore of the highest round reached. I always compiled with Axe Fusion or Application. Also I attached a sheet laying out what each variable is and what I had planned to do.

Problems were: Wunderwaffe eats wall pixels in the middle (need to make it ChgPxl instead of what I had), sniper occasionally eat a wall pixel, and occasionally zombies get stuck on the middle wall (as shown).

If anyone takes the initiative to finish it, let me know! I just figured I shouldn't let this go to waste =)

(also cheat code, type 1337 on the main menu for 999 health)

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