
CodeWalrus Website => Website News => Topic started by: Yuki on September 20, 2018, 09:48:40 PM

Title: reloaded: This time it's a Mastodon instance
Post by: Yuki on September 20, 2018, 09:48:40 PM
it's dead so I made it better

Now it's kinda like Twitter but Jack Dorsey or any of his cty AI lackeys don't have a say on the fate of your account (not that any of us have any problem with that but yeah, it's open source). Figured it would be far more useful and worth it this way (the old site was broken beyond repair so better doing something else), and I think it would be pretty useful to the community, so yeah. Ultimately, every site would have a feed kinda like on the old site, you can pick which ones to follow and you can even make your own, how nice is that? Sign up, start tooting or something and follow CodeWalrus on there. Also donate ( that'd be useful too.
Title: Re: reloaded: This time it's a Mastodon instance
Post by: Yuki on December 11, 2018, 10:47:24 PM
Our feed on C.N finally works!

On that, if any other site or anyone wants to sign up you can easily crosspost from Twitter using this tool: