
CodeWalrus Website => Website News => Topic started by: Yuki on July 06, 2015, 08:11:10 AM

Title: Telegram bots
Post by: Yuki on July 06, 2015, 08:11:10 AM
Ever since the founding of CodeWalrus, we've been using Telegram ( for admin communication and other random stuff among friends, additionally to IRC. Recently, Telegram released an API to easily make bots, since then many of us has been developing our own bots, like Eiyeron's W-800 and my YukiBot. Starting from today, YukiBot added relaying between our IRC channel and a Telegram group we created for that, so you can chat on IRC and our WalrusIRC chatbox from Telegram!

If you have a Telegram account, join the group today ( and join the fun!
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: aetios on July 06, 2015, 01:35:50 PM
This is the most awesome development in bots to day, I think. Awesome job, I was starting to not use IRC as much but now that we have a telegram relay I will probably become way more active again :D

I have a couple suggestions, though, mainly on the telegram side:

o) Let the message start at the username, so filter out the first uhh, 7-something characters; snip off the ' <l|> 4 ' part.
o) Parse Walrified nomifications
o) Get rid off the random color codes
o) On the WIRC side, maybe try making WIRC display the user who sends the message rather than 'YukiTG'. This should be possible as we're already doing that with IRC->WIRC comms.
o) Maybe also try fetching the nickname to display?

Then some other less important-but-still-interesting points
o) re-host telegram images to an image hosting site?
o) maybe same for audio and video? (Not sure how feasible this is. I know however that we have plenty of bandwitdh on the server and also I guess we can reserve some space for images as they aren't that big)
o) Stickers: I guess we can make WIRC display something to indicate there's been a sticker sent to make telegram-sided sticker communications make some sense on the other side.

I guess that's it :P
Again great job, this has been a long living wish of a bunch of us because telegram is just so darn awesome
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: alexgt on July 06, 2015, 04:08:42 PM
O.O everyone in IRC is using it :P
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: bb010g on July 06, 2015, 04:14:16 PM
Quote from: alexgt on July 06, 2015, 04:08:42 PM
O.O everyone in IRC is using it :P
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 06, 2015, 05:09:16 PM
Awesome. I think it was only a matter of time before this happens, considering many of us use Telegram to chat. The bot needs to show forum nicks and be renamed to 2 chars, though, else it's hard to read.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Yuki on July 06, 2015, 06:17:46 PM
It's pretty much an experiment right now, but glad you like it. You'll understand it misses quite a lot of features right now (I coded this thing at like 3am), don't worry it's planned, like color parsing and photo upload.

Quote from: aeTIos on July 06, 2015, 01:35:50 PM
o) Let the message start at the username, so filter out the first uhh, 7-something characters; snip off the ' <l|> 4 ' part.
Putting the bot on EFNet does help.
Quote from: aeTIos on July 06, 2015, 01:35:50 PM
o) Parse Walrified nomifications
o) On the WIRC side, maybe try making WIRC display the user who sends the message rather than 'YukiTG'. This should be possible as we're already doing that with IRC->WIRC comms.
Integrating it to WIRC should be doable, kinda weirder, though.
Quote from: aeTIos on July 06, 2015, 01:35:50 PM
o) Get rid off the random color codes
Yes, of course.
Quote from: aeTIos on July 06, 2015, 01:35:50 PM
o) Maybe also try fetching the nickname to display?
Piece of cake.

Quote from: aeTIos on July 06, 2015, 01:35:50 PM
Then some other less important-but-still-interesting points
o) re-host telegram images to an image hosting site?
o) maybe same for audio and video? (Not sure how feasible this is. I know however that we have plenty of bandwitdh on the server and also I guess we can reserve some space for images as they aren't that big)
o) Stickers: I guess we can make WIRC display something to indicate there's been a sticker sent to make telegram-sided sticker communications make some sense on the other side.
That would all go to an image hosting site. It's a planned feature.

Yeah, thanks to the new API it was indeed made easier to make such bot.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: DarkestEx on July 06, 2015, 06:57:07 PM
Sounds cool. Can't wait to see that all implemented :)
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 06, 2015, 07:23:36 PM
Audio could go on an audio hosting site maybe?
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Yuki on July 06, 2015, 08:03:51 PM
I'm working on a file hosting site, supports video, audio and everything and it'll be integrated into YukiBot, I'll probably use that.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: CKH4 on July 07, 2015, 03:31:18 AM
Would it be possible to have the telegram bot convert the <name> part of the message to the name column?

Edit. Also it'd be cool if it kept the <> because then we could know if something was from telegram.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 25, 2015, 04:31:19 PM
The bot no longer relays messages between IRC and Telegtam, it seems D: @Juju
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Yuki on July 27, 2015, 03:44:01 AM
Sorunome rebooted his server just as I was leaving for the weekend (you sly son of a pony :P) (because for some reason I've put it on his server because YukiBot was already there), so I didn't had time to start my services back. I'm going to restart it now.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 27, 2015, 04:12:18 AM
Yeah I also noticed that my FTP was down for months so I told him, but I only realized that the bots were down much later.

Shouldn't you move the bots to CodeWalrus server instead?
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Yuki on July 27, 2015, 05:06:49 AM
Probably, yes. (And by YukiBot I meant the telegram bot, not the IRC bot, FYI.)
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 27, 2015, 05:45:58 AM
Yeah I know. I still think that all the bots should be hosted on CW server, though.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 17, 2015, 05:57:03 AM
The linker/relay bot is no longer working D:
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Snektron on August 17, 2015, 07:29:01 PM
It seems to be working for me?
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 17, 2015, 10:28:24 PM
Yeah Street fixed the bots earlier. I think Omninet was restarted.

@Streetwalrus should think about moving the bots back to EFnet since we will most likely ditch Omninet in the near future.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: novenary on August 17, 2015, 10:34:47 PM
I already moved everything I could to Efnet, only omnomirc and the telegram relay bot are still there, and I can't remove the former until juju moves the latter. I don't have access to the server where it's hosted unfortunately (why isn't it on CW anyway ?).
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 17, 2015, 11:01:33 PM
Not sure. Juju kinda insisted to use his own VPS to host some stuff it seems, which I think is not a good idea considering its past history of downtimes (especially due to lack of funds)
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: novenary on August 17, 2015, 11:02:23 PM
It's on the dedicated server he shares with Sorunome, Hooloovoo and a few others. I don't think it would go down so unexpectedly.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 17, 2015, 11:04:39 PM
Oh ok, I thought it was still his own. Still, it would be better if the bots were moved here (except the backup ones to give ops when CW is down) and that @Juju gave you access.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: novenary on August 17, 2015, 11:05:59 PM
I have access to everything on the cw server, but nothing not on it. :P
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 17, 2015, 11:13:23 PM
Hence why I said he should give you access to all CW material that is not here. Just look at how long it took until you could finally fix the website when it got deleted, simply because you didn't have the DigitalOcean password and that Juju was away at a party. >.<
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 19, 2015, 03:31:46 AM
And it's down again. In fact now everything is unlinked (even WalrusIRC is disconnected from IRC). Telegram <> Omninet still works, but not anything else.

EDIT: Walrified went down as well
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 28, 2015, 02:45:55 AM
And the bots are disconnected again D:
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 14, 2016, 06:35:38 PM
@Juju by the way, is the Telegram <> IRC relay still up? Because I noticed that the Telegram bot that had the l| name (lowercase L) is no longer in the channel.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: novenary on January 14, 2016, 06:36:13 PM
Yes it works perfectly fine, we use it every day. It's on omninet.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 14, 2016, 06:40:06 PM
Oh right, I thought it was already moved. Or is it still on Omninet due to not connecting to EFnet?
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: novenary on January 21, 2016, 02:35:21 PM
I have no idea why, I just fixed the Omninet link in OmnomIRC though which caused the telegram group to be out of sync with the efnet and wirc channel.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 21, 2016, 08:18:58 PM
I wish we were able to connect it to EFnet. Then we could probably get rid of Omninet. But again, I think some of the people who recently joined use Omninet.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: novenary on March 31, 2016, 12:58:14 PM
@Juju, the Telegram bot isn't connected to Omninet, or at least it's not in the channel. Probably related to the netsplit from yesterday (I think soru rebooted the server). I need access to the bot in case that happens.
Also PLEASE, upgrade the group to a supergroup.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 31, 2016, 03:16:46 PM
I'll relay the message to Facebook since he doesn't seem to check the staff board much for important matters. X.x
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Yuki on March 31, 2016, 03:20:57 PM
Oh, but I do. The server indeed was rebooted, and I restarted the bots mere minutes before DJ sent me that on Facebook. Well, I think. Been a while I did that.

(also this is not the staff board lol)
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 31, 2016, 03:24:46 PM
Oh right. I always think it is, since the EFnet bots thread is there.

Also see the other two requests in his post (upgrade the TG group to Supergroup and give Street the TG bot access or password if that's not possible)
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 11, 2016, 12:11:16 AM
@Juju @Streetwalrus Do you think we could get the bots working again early this week, like tuesday or wednesday? I would rather not see CW permanently cut off from Telegram again and people on each side of the split are missing out on activity on the other side.

I know some EFnet servers on which the bot should work. All I need to do is /whois certain TI community bots
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 08, 2016, 04:46:58 AM

Since the netsplit ended, the Telegram bot now sends messages to IRC, but it no longer sends IRC messages to Telegram. Can you fix it? D:
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: novenary on May 09, 2016, 08:56:53 PM
It seems to work fine right now.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 09, 2016, 09:22:07 PM
Yeah thanks to aeTIos for fixing. :)
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 10:09:53 PM
/me prods @bb010g (or others) to post in this topic when the Telegram bridge goes down or stops working properly, making sure to @mention Street and Juju in the process so they get poked.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: bb010g on June 29, 2016, 10:18:54 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 10:09:53 PM
/me prods @bb010g (or others) to post in this topic when the Telegram bridge goes down or stops working properly, making sure to @mention Street and Juju in the process so they get poked.
Aww, but I've got such a nice streak of only lurking in IRC going! :p Anyhow, my 2 cents about things:
Quote from: bb010g
15:06:35 <bb010g> Also, & . I think this is a tinge more usable than XMPP for this sort of large group thing. Also has the ability to do IRC bridging. So WalrusIRC could actually be set up to be a Matrix client, and it would be seamlessly integrated with IRC user wise (see #matrix on Freenode (linked to Matrix HQ) for an example).
15:09:05 <bb010g> I would link to a linked channel, but only has linkers set up currently for Freenode and Moznet.
15:12:09 <bb010g> But yeah, logging for free, nice API, actual encryption when going user to user soon I think (same base algorithm as OMEMO ( ), possibly switching to Signal's impl thanks to new App Store exemption, but not sure), persistent sessions, Markdown formatting, open source, supports voice and video chat between users, and more!

Also, my opinion on why using Telegram ultimately is harmful in the long run (taken from a bot development group on Telegram), but it is rather long:
Brayden Banks, [27.06.16 21:05]

Brayden Banks, [27.06.16 21:07]
They have a point. Using Telegram, even if you see it as an unsecure platform, makes others aware of it by name only even, and they can be deceived into thinking it's secure.

Brayden Banks, [27.06.16 21:08]
I like some of the features and the communities built here, but is it all worth it? Features can be ported and communities migrated.

Brayden Banks, [27.06.16 21:16]
Why should I invest my time into writing a library to use a protocol I have to reverse engineer so others can propagate a fundamentally flawed platform? Durov can talk all he wants about wanting to bring decentralization; it probably will never come. Why not write a library for nice development on a vetted protocol that has up to date documentation and an open source, encouraging people to use that platform? I get why a person wouldn't care—I haven't for a while. But my usage will inevitably drag others in who don't have my knowledge. If strong crypto and full stack FOSS are Good Things, why should I throw away my discretion here? We all managed to drag our friends and acquaintances here on ultimately false claims of security and openness. We can drag them to a new platform the same way, but this time with actual data and solid reasons.

Brayden Banks, [27.06.16 21:19]
I should see how hard it would be to make an XMPP bridge for otouto, and eventually port it.

Brayden Banks, [27.06.16 21:48]
Telegram's beginning to give me the same unsure feelings I get from seeing general projects move their chat to Discord. They're moving to a platform that's closed source on both sides (safe for a bot API client side and some prior client reverse engineering, mostly deprecated due to its use for bots), is free with no obvious revenue sources coming down the pipe, has crap logging (read: scroll up more), and an unreliable mobile client (long messages have just been lost more than once for me). Telegram isn't much better. Durov claims to have morality and gobs of money that keeps him and his team incorruptible. That may be true. However, morality of a person is impossible to objectively know. He could very well be working with governments in very subtle ways that he's been gag ordered about and the closed source servers hide. You just can't tell. The open source client is great, but smeg, there's an open source "client" for Morrowind. It's not really open source until the full stack is out there, especially with something as server loving as messaging and Telegram's centralized implementation. Sure, the decentralized alternative is the rather awkward Tox, but federation isn't something new. Signal uses a single server point, but it's all based on XMPP and FOSS. You can roll your own client and server and see what's different—which isn't much due to actual perfect forward secrecy everywhere. You can vet it. You can't vet Telegram, and researchers don't really want to vet it because, as linked, it leaks metadata at a ridiculous rate and already rolled their own dubious crypto. If I want unsecured messaging with friends and small groups over data, why not just use WhatsApp? It's got more users, actual crypto as far as I can tell—at worst none, like Telegram, and at best actual, unlike Telegram. If I want mass discussions, why not use IRC? It's unsecured, a simple protocol, a huge number of great bot frameworks, servers, and clients, and is full stack FOSS. If I want truly secured discussion, why not just use XMPP and PGP or OMEMO? It's a FOSS protocol, vetted, pretty nice to setup as a user, doesn't need phone numbers, has good clients on all major platforms, and has a pretty good number of Telegram features. If I want team communication, why not use Mattermost, Rocket.Chat, Slack, or even IRC or Matrix?

What void does Telegram even fill anymore, besides holding the current users in situ until they change platforms? I want to continue liking Telegram. I've met a bunch of great people and devs here. I'm over cposting about switching, though. If you're not using the Bot API, Telegram almost seems to try to set up obstacles for development. Announcements that show up at Telegram's whim, not after discussion with the community. The linked problems with the protocol that users simply can't fix. Are stickers really that good?

Brayden Banks, [27.06.16 22:10]
[In reply to Juan Potato about cross platform]
Tox is cross platform, IRCCloud or just web search for IRC client (+,, Mattermost is cross platform,, is cross platform. As for feature parity, IRC is safe, XMPP is good with those listed, Mattermost is good AFAIK, Matrix is good AFAIK

Matrix is looking a lot better now from when I last tried it out last year. It's turning into a viable alternative for a lot of chat platforms, or at least a good compliment. The Matrix FAQ ( is worth a read if you're wondering how it differs from other platforms.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 10:23:37 PM
I'M trying to make you post about your Tetrisphere 3D polygon HP Prime game :trollface:

Also yeah there was a big Slashdot article about Telegram security issues the other day that Nikky linked to. Personally, #CodeWalrus would just be an IRC channel, EFnet-only, just like #Cemetech and all the long-time TI channels, old-school style, as it worked. But when CodeWalrus opened, many users insisted to use Telegram so we had to cave in and add a Telegram bridge. If we switch to something else we would need to make a bridge to that other something else, but ideally I wish that people stuck with IRC overall, since it does the job fine anyway. :P But that's just my personal opinion and I don't want to force people to switch. :)

I also don't want to have to support 17 different Telegram/Whatsapp clones and have 17 bridges/bots. That would be a mess.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: bb010g on June 29, 2016, 10:36:50 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 10:23:37 PM
I'M trying to make you post about your Tetrisphere 3D polygon HP Prime game :trollface:
Wait, what? No one informed me of this. I want to try!  :D

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 10:23:37 PM
But when CodeWalrus opened, many users insisted to use Telegram so we had to cave in and add a Telegram bridge.
Honestly, the whole reason I use Telegram most of the time is because it's more convenient. With IRC, I have to log in each time, maybe register with services, and then, if using a bouncer, interact with it out of the normal IRC experience to read my history, or, if not using a bouncer, miss history. I could go look at what the logging bot has done on its own website with its own interface, but that's another disparate experience. With Telegram, the logs just stick around. Matrix gives a lot of the benefits of Telegram here (sane backlog and logs in general, reliable presence, multimedia) without the closed platform and odd practices (bad or nonexistent docs, marketing security where there isn't much security, releases after a burst of closed room development).
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 10:23:37 PM
If we switch to something else we would need to make a bridge to that other something else, but ideally I wish that people stuck with IRC overall, since it does the job fine anyway. :P But that's just my personal opinion and I don't want to force people to switch. :)
The bridge already exists ( and can be set up in ~5 minutes for just the CodeWalrus/calculator efnet channels. (Do we have multiple? I only know of #CodeWalrus.) The Matrix devs actually use IRC a lot too, which is part of why the bridge is so good and seamless. (You can even PM across platforms.)
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 10:23:37 PM
I also don't want to have to support 17 different Telegram/Whatsapp clones and have 17 bridges/bots. That would be a mess.
Totally with you there. I think if we were to consider and use Matrix, that would come with the Telegram bridge shutting down. We dropped the extra IRC networks for a reason.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 10:43:06 PM
Lol I was kidding because back in 2013 you talked often about a secret HP Prime game you were worked on that was supposedly Tetris-related but extremely advanced. :P

As for IRC, can't you setup your IRC client to auto-ident and rejoin/reconnect on startup? Most IRC clients (even IRCCloud) support that.

Also in the case of #CodeWalrus, the channel is logged, so if you are worried about not having logs, then in WalrusIRC you just have to click the :walrii: icon at the top-left, choose options then select a log date. It's a bit buggy, though (missing CSS)

Here are the bridges we currently use:

EFnet IRC network
Omnimaga IRC network (only in use for the Telegram bridge, since juju couldn't get the bot to connect to EFnet)
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: bb010g on June 29, 2016, 10:47:11 PM
Oh, that. Yeah. I'm not quite sure if I even have the source for that. I haven't done much calc coding in a while.

I have IRCCloud set up to ident on rejoin and all that, but that's the thing. It's extra work, which is fine when it's still the best solution. But I think Matrix actually improves over IRC in some areas, and is worth a shot. It's just nicer when you don't have to navigate a buggy, hand-made site just to read logs. Why not choose the option that keeps them for you in one nice place, no matter the channel size? Or at least is a backup in case the main custom site fails?

Reply edit:
Streetwalrus, [29.06.16 15:24]
guys, the bridge to this group is going to be down until we set up a better one, our connection to omninet is giving up so we'll finally get rid of it

Streetwalrus, [29.06.16 15:24]
it's actually the omninet <=> efnet link which is down
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 11:09:10 PM
It might be somewhere in your Documents and settings/appdata/roaming/username/HP Prime or something.

But yeah we can't satisfy everyone really. Just because you prefer Matrix doesn't mean that everyone will accept to ditch Telegram and move to Matrix/IRC even if we kill the Telegram bridge.

And I see about the Omninet bridge. Ideally @Streetwalrus should find an EFnet server that allows the Telegram bot in (and allows it to work) so we can ditch Omninet entirely
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: bb010g on June 29, 2016, 11:15:39 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 11:09:10 PM
And I see about the Omninet bridge. Ideally @Streetwalrus should find an EFnet server that allows the Telegram bot in (and allows it to work) so we can ditch Omninet entirely

EFnet wouldn't? They already allow the WalrusIRC and Omninet linkers.

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 11:09:10 PM
But yeah we can't satisfy everyone really. Just because you prefer Matrix doesn't mean that everyone will accept to ditch Telegram and move to Matrix/IRC even if we kill the Telegram bridge.
Quote from: bb010g
15:48:50 <bb010g> We've got 3-5 active Telegram bridge users, and I think they would be willing to try out Matrix, personally. At least 1 would. :)
Those 3-5 being, in order of (apparent) use, @aeTIos, @bb010g (myself), @Luke Hardison, @Cumred_Snektron, and @p4nix. I think we could convince them to try out Matrix for a similar/better experience for a week or so before deciding. Matrix does have the advantage of an IRC bridge that has actual accounts instead of one with prefixes. I'll see if I can roll one out quickly on my Azure instance, in fact.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 11:17:37 PM
I never understood why juju was unable to get the bot to connect to any server. I'M thinking he just didn't try every one of them, because it's impossible that our botnet would conneect fine then one bot in particular can't connect to any EFNet server in existence.

As for Telegram you also forgot @gogogoluke . Also who is Luke Hardison ? O.O
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: bb010g on June 29, 2016, 11:19:14 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 11:17:37 PM
As for Telegram you also forgot @gogogoluke . Also who is Luke Hardison ? O.O
...his real name on Telegram. I don't know? They're the same person?
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Snektron on June 29, 2016, 11:37:22 PM
Quote from: bb010g on June 29, 2016, 11:15:39 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 11:09:10 PM
And I see about the Omninet bridge. Ideally @Streetwalrus should find an EFnet server that allows the Telegram bot in (and allows it to work) so we can ditch Omninet entirely

EFnet wouldn't? They already allow the WalrusIRC and Omninet linkers.

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 11:09:10 PM
But yeah we can't satisfy everyone really. Just because you prefer Matrix doesn't mean that everyone will accept to ditch Telegram and move to Matrix/IRC even if we kill the Telegram bridge.
Quote from: bb010g
15:48:50 <bb010g> We've got 3-5 active Telegram bridge users, and I think they would be willing to try out Matrix, personally. At least 1 would. :)
Those 3-5 being, in order of (apparent) use, @aeTIos, @bb010g (myself), @Luke Hardison, @Cumred_Snektron, and @p4nix. I think we could convince them to try out Matrix for a similar/better experience for a week or so before deciding. Matrix does have the advantage of an IRC bridge that has actual accounts instead of one with prefixes. I'll see if I can roll one out quickly on my Azure instance, in fact.

Im not really in the mood for ANOTHER chat client. I already use whatsapp, telegram and hangouts so then ill probably use the site's irc
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: aetios on June 29, 2016, 11:57:08 PM
I agree with Cumred on this one - using yet another client is probably a bit annoying.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 30, 2016, 12:51:53 AM
Quote from: bb010g on June 29, 2016, 11:19:14 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 29, 2016, 11:17:37 PM
As for Telegram you also forgot @gogogoluke . Also who is Luke Hardison ? O.O
...his real name on Telegram. I don't know? They're the same person?
He has a CW account but he never posted. We should hand him plenty of :walrii:

On a side note @Juju and @Streetwalrus now the entire WIRC link is down. Empty user list, EFNet link down, etc.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: novenary on July 08, 2016, 10:24:17 PM
It's back now. The new bot supports hosting pictures sent from telegram as well and handles everything much better in general.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 09, 2016, 01:40:55 PM
Yay! Thank for the great work :). Does it auto-delete old pictures?
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: novenary on July 09, 2016, 04:05:58 PM
Not sure what it does, but for the pictures that haven't been deleted, they're available there (

Otherwise you can also access them from the group's media history.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 10, 2016, 05:11:14 AM
Ok. AeTIos will need to watch his disk space usage, then.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: novenary on July 10, 2016, 08:03:32 AM
I'll have to figure out if there's a way to delete old pictures without confusing the bot (I know it doesn't reupload stickers for example, is just resends the same link each time).
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 10, 2016, 02:33:37 PM
Mapping Walrii smileys to stickers would be nice
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: novenary on July 12, 2016, 08:39:02 AM
That's something I could look into once I get to rewriting the whole stack. The problem is that on Telegram, the bot is a single "user" just like on IRC, and for stickers there is no way to attach text afaik, so we can't know who sent them. I can definitely make it work in the Telegram => others direction though.
W/OIRC are aware of the cross-network syncing so that can't cause any problem thankfully.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 14, 2016, 12:43:45 AM
Yeah that's what I thought. Plus Juju could probably have made WalrusIRC so that if it detects a Walrii sticker then it replaces the text with a smiley. Kinda like a word filter, unless that's what you meant?
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: novenary on July 15, 2016, 08:50:32 AM
What I mean is that when people send Walrii stickers on Telegram, I could make it detect them and convert them to the appropriate smiley for OIRC. Ideally the new stack will support stickers in the native client.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 16, 2016, 04:04:23 AM
Ah thanks for explaining further. I wasn't sure.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 07, 2016, 02:28:03 AM
By the way @Juju and @Streetwalrus there is massive lag (over 30 seconds and sometimes up to 2 minutes) before lines from WalrusIRC appears in Telegram and vice-versa. Some even didn't appear at all on Telegram.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: novenary on October 07, 2016, 07:57:08 AM
Hmm that's odd, it's not happening now.
Btw, I run the new bot and have full control over it now. :P
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Yuki on October 07, 2016, 07:58:26 AM
Yeah, I no longer have anything to do with it now.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: novenary on October 07, 2016, 07:59:19 AM
Might be a good idea to give you guys access just in case, it's on @aeTIos's server.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: aetios on October 07, 2016, 09:14:24 AM
I'll leave that to you.
Title: Re: Telegram bots
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 07, 2016, 02:13:33 PM
Ah ok, I didn't know.